Started FCC in Nov/2016, got my first front-end dev job this month

Hey guys, like the title says, I was hired as a front-end developer after about 9-10 months after I started FCC.

I’ve always liked to read threads about other campers who got a job, they gave me a lot of motivation and optimism during my studies. So I think it would be nice to share some thoughts with you. :slight_smile: Of course, it is all about my experience.

As for my background, I have a bachelor degree not related to CS, but I did have some experience in a few programming languages, especially Python, which I used for text and data manipulation.

Some impressions I have got from my studies:

  • I think it is really important is to really learn the basics. Truly learn JavaScript before learning React, Angular or even jQuery; learn CSS before learning Bootstrap or Foundation. Your journey will be a lot easier and you will have a btter understanding of what and how things are happening in these frameworks.

  • You should keep an eye in what the companies are asking to hire someone in the position you want. For me, I was looking for a Front End position and it was clear that overall the most requested skills were good knowledge of ReactJS or Angular. I learned a bit of both (and VueJS, but unfortunately there isn’t a lot of demand for it here in Brazil) and chose to focus in Angular.

  • Learning Git it is not that difficult but I only got the hang of it after I started using for real in my projects. And you can trust me, it is very useful.

After I knew I had a solid knowledge of the basics of Webdev and a few good projects to show, I bought a domain and hosted my portfolio to start applying for jobs.

I was lucky in that I didn’t need to apply for many positions before I got a response from a company. They sent me a test in which I had to make a small app in Angular featuring unit tests that would consume an certain API. Even though I didn’t have a lot of experience I polished the app the best I could, following the good practices I knew of. It was far from perfect, but they liked my test and called for an interview.

It is a good company and I am very excited with this new step. I am aware that this is just the beginning and I will keep studying and doing my best so I can become a competent developer.

I am very grateful for FCC. Even though I probably studied more through other sources, it was the most important resource for me in this journey. The structured curriculum and the nice community were so important. Thank you all!


Congrats. Can you show us the portfolio site that helped get you the job? I’m curious how my portfolio compares to the porfolios of people that are getting hired. I’m trying to gauge how close I am to being job ready.

I also want to see both of your portfolio. :slight_smile: I need motivation to keep going with codeing. trying hard for a week. On css now.

My site is a work in progress and isn’t completely finished yet. A couple of the projects aren’t responsive yet and may not look right on a phone.

At least you are in your way. Keep up. What else you are following beside FCC

Olá, sou do Brasil também,seu inglês é muito bom, queria ter essa fluência também, pode me dizer se o salário é bom? comprei 2 cursos da udemy do instrutor colt steele e assino o site devmedia também ,se puder dar um alô agradeceria