String constructor - how can i pass?

i tried returning the final result but it won’t let me… not sure what to do here

function helloWorld (hello,world) {
  this.hello = hello; = world;

let a = new helloWorld("Hello, ","World!")

a.hello +;

What you did here is wrong,instead,you have two options:
1)(The regular way):
Pass a variable and return it:

function helloWorld(str){
  str="hello world"
  return str;
let hw=helloWorld(hw);
console.log(hw); //prints hello world
  1. pass a object to a function and get 2 fields (hello,world) inside the object (note: This might override another values,if the fields hello or world already exists inside the passed object)
function helloWorld(a){
let hw={};
console.log(hw.hello+" "; // prints hello world

dude yours doesn’t work… the challenge says no using of raw strings

if you can’t use strings, you could use numbers! there are the methods to change character codes to characters

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yeah i was literally thinking about charcode 5 seconds ago

const helloWorld = () => {
let final =   String.fromCharCode(72 , 101 , 108, 108, 111 , 44 , 32 ,87, 111, 114 , 108 , 100, 33)
return final;


// 72 , 101 , 108, 108, 111 , 44 , 32 ,87, 111, 114 , 108 , 100, 33

im glad fromcharcode gives as many arguments as i could give.