Suggestions Needed to build a ice cream Ordering system as a part of my assignment

Hello everyone, I’m quite new to python and been trying to learn how to code in python from past few weeks. Coming to the point as a part of my assignment in DATA WRANGLING with PYTHON, my task is to build an ordering system for an ice cream shop. I need information on which part of the python I should focus on so that I can build it. Any help would be highly appreciated, Thanks in advance. I’m attaching a copy of my task below for better understanding.

You’re looking at this the wrong way. There is often no single correct way to write a program, so instead of trying to find things to learn, focus on using what you know already to accomplish the task. Break the problem into smaller problems and solve them in steps.

For the backend I suggest we can just have an input system
A list of options can be given

Your order is added into a dictionary of values from different lists and their prices.

It’s not really as complicated as data wrangling other than an input system.

Does that help? Let me know how I can help

hi this is the code i ended up at. can u help me to reduce the lines of code. (we cant use pandas)
import re
cone_type = {‘Plain Cone’:1.5,
‘Waffle Cone’:2,

Scoop_Flavours = [‘Vanilla’, ‘Strawberry’, ‘Chocolate’, ‘Caramel’, ‘Mint’, ‘Rainbow’, ‘Coffee’, ‘Bubble gum’]
Topping_Choices = {‘Peanuts’:0.75,
‘Caramel Sauce’:0.5,
‘Rainbow Sprinkles’:0.5,
‘Chocolate Sprinkles’:0.5}

#To check Inout value is only alphabets
def ValidateString(inputString):
if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z ]*$", inputString):
return False
return True

#Function to get customer Name
def getCustName():
#Get the customer Name
name = input("Enter the customer Name: ")
#check If its only of alphabets.If Not Asks the user to Enter the customer Name until its valid
if not ValidateString(name):
print(“Name should consist of letters only”)
return name

#Function to Get No of ICe Cream
def getNoOfIceCreams():
count = 0
while True:
#Get the No of IceCreams from customer and Enter it
NoOfIceCreams = input(“Enter the No of IceCreams:”)
#Validate If its only Integer.
count = int(NoOfIceCreams)
#If Not Asks the user to Enter the value until its valid Integer
except ValueError:
print("%s is not an integer.\n" % NoOfIceCreams)
#Validate If the value is not less than 1.
if count < 1:
print(“Enter a valid number”)
return count

#Function To Get the Cone Type
def getConeType():
while True:
#Get the cone type from customer and Enter it
cone = input(“Enter the preferred cone Type:”)
#Validate the value is only Alphabets.If Not Asks the user to Enter the value until its valid
if not ValidateString(cone):
print(“Cone Type is not valid”)
#Validate the Value Entered is in the Menu
check = None
for ct in cone_type:
if len(cone) != 0:
if (ct.lower() == cone.lower()):
check = True
return ct
check = False
#If the Value is not in the Menu Ask the user to Enter the value until its valid
if not check:
print(“Please Choose the cone Type available in the Menu”)

#Function To Get the flavor
def getFlavour():
while True:
#Get the flavor from customer and Enter it
flavourtype = input(“Enter the preferred flavor:”)
#Validate the value is only Alphabets.If Not Asks the user to Enter the value until its valid.
if not ValidateString(flavourtype):
print(“Flavor Type is not valid”)
#Validate the Value Entered is in the Menu
check = None
for ft in Scoop_Flavours:
if ft.lower() == flavourtype.lower():
check = True
return flavourtype
check = False
#If the Value is not in the Menu Ask the user to Enter the value until its valid
if not check:
print(“Please Choose the flavour available in the Menu”)

#Function To Get the Scoop Count
def getScoopCount():
count = 0
while True:
#Get the Scoop count from customer and Enter it
scoopcount = input(“Enter the No Of Scoop(The max no.of scoops per ice cream is 3):”)
#Validate the value is only Integre.If Not Asks the user to Enter the value until its valid.
count = int(scoopcount)
except ValueError:
print("%s is not an integer.\n" % scoopcount)
#Validate the value is less than 3.If Not Asks the user to Enter the value until its valid.
if count < 1 or count > 3:
print(“Scoop Count should be less between 1 and 3”)
return count

#Function To Get the list of topping
def getToppings():
topppingList = []
topppingList = input(“Enter List of Toppings, SEPERATED by Comma:”)
#split the Comma separated Input and make it is a list
topppingList = topppingList.split(",")
toBeRemoved = []
while True:
#Check the only 4 Toppings are choose. IF not remove the Excess Toppings
if len(topppingList) > 4:
print(“MAximum Topping Allowed is 4”)
remove_top = input(“Enter the Toping to remove:”)

    if len(topppingList) <= 4:
        toping = 0
        for i,toping in enumerate(topppingList):
            #check all the topping are only alphabet. else add it to the List of topings to be removed finally           
            if not ValidateString(toping):
                #check all the topping are in menu.
                check = None
                for tc in Topping_Choices:
                    if tc.lower() == toping.lower():
                        check = True
                        check = False
                #Add the Toppings not in the menu to the List of toppings to be removed finally
                if not check:
        if len(toBeRemoved) == 0:
            print("Topings", toBeRemoved, "is not Valid or not in the Menu")
            #Ask the customer for the new value from menu and add the toppings list
            new_topings = input("Please enter Toping from the Menu:")
            new_topings = new_topings.split(",")
            #Remove the invlaid toppings from the List
            for delToping in toBeRemoved:
            topppingList = topppingList + new_topings
            del toBeRemoved[:]
return topppingList

#Function To Print the Items in the Menu
def printmenu():
print(20 * “", “ICE CREAM MENU”,20 "")
print(20 * " ", 15 * "
print(“CONE TYPE”)
for ct in cone_type:
print(ct, " - “, “$”, cone_type[ct])
print(“Scoop Flavours(Each scoop $5)”)
for sf in Scoop_Flavours:
print(“Topping Choices”)
for tc in Topping_Choices:
print(tc, " - “, “$”, Topping_Choices[tc])
print(20 * “", “END OF MENU”,22”*",’\n’,’\n’)

Main Function

Customer_Name = getCustName()
No_Of_Ice_Creams = getNoOfIceCreams()
orderList = []
totalPrice = 0
for i in range(1, No_Of_Ice_Creams + 1):
print(“Ice Cream:”, i)
conetype = getConeType()
coneprice = cone_type[conetype]
flavour = getFlavour()
scoopcount = getScoopCount()
scoopprice = scoopcount * 5
toppings = getToppings()
toppingprice = 0
for n in toppings:
toppingprice = toppingprice + Topping_Choices[n]
#Calculate Amount for Each Cream
price_per_iceCream = coneprice + scoopprice + toppingprice
orderList.append([conetype, flavour, scoopcount, ‘/’.join(toppings), price_per_iceCream])
#Calculate the Total Amount
totalPrice = totalPrice + price_per_iceCream

print(20 * " “, “FINAL BILL”)
print(“CUSTOMER NAME:”, Customer_Name)
print(“NO OF ICE CREAMS ORDERED:”, No_Of_Ice_Creams)
print(“SI.NO”,5*” “, “ICE CREAM DETAIL”,65*” “+“PRICE”)
print(5*”-",5*" “,24*”-",56*" “,5*”-")
for j in range(0, len(orderList)):
ice_cream_detail = (“Ice Cream " + str((j+1)) + “:” + ‘\n’ +16*” “+ “Cone Type:” + orderList[j][0] + ‘\n’ +16*” “+
“flavor:” + orderList[j][1] + ‘\n’ +16*” “+“No.of Scoop:” + str(orderList[j][2]) + ‘\n’ +
16*” “+“Toppings:” + orderList[j][3] + 20*” " +"$"+str(orderList[j][4]) )
print(j+1, " “, ice_cream_detail, " “)
print(’\n’,“Total Amount :”,” $”, totalPrice)