Survey for my Qualitative Research Project for my subject research Pls Help TY!

Hi Guys! Kindly answer this question for my qualitative research project for my research class
Thank You! all identifications can be anonymous so don’t worry

  1. How did freeCodeCamp online education help develop your skills?
  2. What are the effects of freeCodeCamp online education to you? like how did it help you learn
    coding? and how it help you get a job and work with projects? and the advantages and
    disadvantages of it for you
  3. How did freeCodecamp online education propagate/spread&developed throughout the years?
  4. What is your experience in freeCodeCamp?

@kevin10102000 I think it would help me to understand what kind of research project you are doing? A paper for a class? Give us a bit more background on why you are asking these questions and a bit of story of what you are trying to accomplish. The next thing that I have thought that would be better is to make a ‘surveymonkey’ which will be easier to deeply and process answers…just my two thoughts.

Also, it looks like you are in rush to write these questions. More sloppy your request is, the more likely you will not get any responses and please at least enumerate your questions.

  1. How did freeCodeCamp (FCC) help you develop your skills?
    – It gives me numerous real-life projects to work on and try to figure out how to do it while doing it. It also gives some but not much background information on programming. The main power of the FCC is ‘actually doing it’, and trying to figure out the nuts and bolts while putting it all together.

  2. How effective is it?
    –Effective in what? Effective in getting a job? Effective in learning how to do a project? Effective in learning Javascript? FCC motivated me to continue working on various projects, seek out online help, forums, and other options to learn more about specifics.

  3. How did FCC become well-known or how did you learn of it?
    –It was mostly grassroots efforts a few years ago, but the fact that it was ‘free’ appealed to most, including myself. There has been an increase in publicity, broadcasting via YouTube, Twitter, Medium, etc.

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oh ty for the feedback! sorry for the bad english sentence construction didn’t rush it really just dont know how to properly ask so ty for the tips!