Survey form-feedback

Hi everyone,
I have just completed building my FCC survey form and I would like to have your honest feedback and recommendations.


Owen this is beautiful


Thank you Samuel… Any suggestions on things that could improve the page?

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You could make it a lot shorter in page length by making the ‘how did you learn about…’ and ‘would you recommend…’ sections a second column that displays side by side with the personal information section. (Mobile a different story, but desktop for sure)

I also think the comments field and how can we improve sections would look nice full width of the two columns.

A line break after 'How can we inprove (sp* improve) your experience on our website?(Check all that apply): ’ would make it look a bit cleaner as well.

If I’m really nitpicking I would even add some bolding to the question/heading for each input section.

Otherwise, you have a great start to work from.


Hi @Gizo, it looks good. However,

  • revisit the user stories. Right now you’re passing 15/17. If you notice clicking your Submit button does nothing. The error will tell you why and is and easy fix.
  • same with the error regarding your radio buttons
  • use the fieldset element around your checkboxes too. They’ll flow together a lot nicer like your radio buttons

Hello Logan,
Thank you for the feedback.
I want to clarify something. When you say I should make the page shorter, do you mean I should do that both when it is viewed on desktop and mobile devices?

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Hello Roma,
Very appreciative of the feedback you’ve rendered.
I have corrected all the errors regarding the radio buttons and submit button.
Also used the fieldset element on the checkboxes.


It’s beautiful, nice design :ok_hand:


Thanks Dozom. Is there anything that you feel needs some adjustment?

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@Gizo I reviewed your project! I think you have a great eye for design. let me know what you think!:grinning:


Thanks Michael… I will definitely do some adjustments.


You are welcome! Keep up the good work. You are doing great!


I was primarily referring to desktop, sorry for not elaborating previously. On mobile it would likely present better in the longer form, but in my opinion the desktop version would look a lot nicer if it was in more of a horizontal layout. Just one opinion though. :slight_smile:


Ok great… I will try to make it horizontal for the desktop version.:slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve just completed the same test and it dawned on me that it’s not really necessary to go wild with styling, just to learn what’s being taught. Your form looks good as it is and passes all the checks. Unless you’re just wanting to challenge yourself, I wouldn’t worry too much about making it horizontal.

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Great… I will just challenge myself later then. Right now am working on my product landing page.

Nice, I’ll be doing that shortly as well. I found myself getting caught up with making a pimped out survey form before I really thought about what its going to be used for- nothing. lol

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Yeah me too… I spent the whole of yesterday trying to pimp my survey lol

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haha, SAME. Finally decided to just leave it as done today. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah… There is room for improvement later. Got to get that certificate :stuck_out_tongue:

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