Survey-Form Project Feedback

Just looking for feed back on the html and css code for the survey I just built, refrained from looking at the original but the goal was to try and match it. Let me know how I can improve the code and or make it look similar. Thanks everyone !

I would suggest bring your question in towards the choices, the gap is a little weird. Look at the picture below.


Also add a footer to your page with your name, and maybe email. On bigger websites you would do something like this:


On smaller ones like this one, you would do this (blue bar at way bottom).


Or this if you wanted some modern inspiration:


As for the responsiveness, it isn’t really responsive:

Check out using flexbox and media query’s to arrange things into columns/ rows and change margins on different screen sizes



Please hit reply or i do not get notified.

Thanks so much dude ! I really appreciate all the info you’ve supplied in the feedback, Ill be sure to try and apply and comment back after/. ! :smiley:

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In addition, I like dropdowns to have the

Select an option presented to user. But that's just me.
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Thanks so much dude ! I really appreciate all the info you’ve supplied in the feedback, Ill be sure to try and apply and comment back after/. ! :smiley:

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Please check out these websites -->

It contains some helpful tools, especially on how to make responsive web pages, that will improve your webpage.