Survey Form project: harendra1993

Hi there! I just finished the Survey Form project, and I would love to get some feedback from you guys. What do you think could be improved? Also , are there any major issues from an accessibility perspective? Any feedback you have would be great :slight_smile: Thanks so much for your time! Here’s the link to the survey in Codepen:

Looks pretty good and is definitely responsive!

I do have a couple of suggestions. First, concerning accessibility, I think you could do two things to help. One, I think the gradient background near freeCodeCamp at the top might need to extend a little bit further because the bottom portions of the letters blend in a little bit with the gradient as it fades towards white. Now this isn’t a huge change or deal, but a few extra pixels might help a lot in that regard. Two, I would add a hover effect to the submit button and make it so the submit button when clicked effect you already have is more noticeable.

Second, and very minor, I would change the text next to the radio buttons so it on the right side of the button rather than the left to be consistent with the checkboxes below. I might also consider getting rid of the <br> in the following piece of code <label for="preferences">Things that should be improved in the future<br>(Check all that apply): </label> because that way it is more readable (at least from my perspective).

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