The Basic Principles of Web Design: The First Steps of the Process pt.1

what’s gonna happen here?
are you and steffan going to keep on quoting each other until the post gets shut down?

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Thank you for this! I will definitely be checking this out :slight_smile:

First of all, thank you for your response, I am relieved to hear that has been helpful as well as understandable, which is what I aim to do as much I can.

I am very happy to your feedback on this approach is a positive because I actually came up with this concept (maybe, it has been mentioned in other learning resources).

The reason why I came up with this approach because I have learned that in order to be productive is to always ask questions, whether it is yourself or asking someone else.

Also, in colleges, they may teach in some way of dealing with clients, but it lacks of the feeling of being in a real case scenario of one. Which is why I think a role-play may work because you get to imagine and visualise what it is like to be the scene of being with a client and hear their answers.

I am not sure if this is clear, but I hope you got my gist!

Hmmm, let’s just say I think his processor is over-heated and I plan to let him cool down in his own time :slight_smile:


This is great and some excellent advices. Thank you so much

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You are welcome, I am glad to hear this has been helpful for you :slight_smile:

A very good article. I will leave it in my bookmarks. You have good ideas on how to determine the type of client. And if you just follow new trends or adhere to web design standards? will it be possible to please the client 100%? here is the, for example. It seems to me that this article lays out good ideas about web design standards. What do you think?