Tribute Page - Courtney Dauwalter

Here is my Tribute Page thus far:

Any feedback welcome.

How do I validate the projects?


Good progress so far. Responsive with some cosmetic changes needed. Keep it up until you pass the tests, and then take some time to really make it look great. Doing well so far.

Place this in your project, top of the html.

<script src=""></script>

Thanks for clarifying that.
I’ve got all tests passing now.

What kind of cosmetic changes do you suggest I take a closer look at?

Not much. Adding some padding here and there would help give some of the wording space near the edges of divs. Maybe playing with some line height. A few things that would improve readability on smaller screen sizes. For example in your header as the screen shrinks there is an instance where the wording itself sticks outside of the white area in the header.

I had noticed that actually. Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I gave the block quote a line height of 1.5 em, and gave #subtitle a width of something like 80%, played around with the padding, and made some more adjustments to the media queries. Feeling really good about it now :slight_smile:

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