Tribute Page ( Jon Snow)

Hello everyone. I’ve started my Front-End path just yesterday and this is my first attempt to create something by myself. I would highly appreciate your feedbacks in order to improve myself in the nearest future and avoid making same mistakes.
Here is the link: Tribute Page

P.S.: Please, do not pay attention on text, I’ve made it up by myself just for fun :slight_smile:


Winter is coming…
Hi) You’ve done nice work.
Some tips if you let me say.

First - do not use inline css styles if you don’t have good reason to do it.

Second - img tag doesn’t have closing tag. You just need to type <img src="#" /> or <img src="#">

Nice work. Keep moving.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.

Thank you very-very much :blush:
Have already fixed the “img tag” issue and, of course, I highly appreciate your advice about inline css styles, I will definitely keep that in mind.

Some nice design ideas there, well done. I would change English in the phrase “who killed White Walker”. It should be who killed “a White Walker” or “the” or White Walkers plural. Also there is a space missing between two sentences in your text.

Thank you very much :hugs: With your help, now it looks much better :slight_smile:

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