Tribute Page responsiveness

My tribute page is almost finished, the only thing bugging me is that it’s not responsive when I view it on mobile. What can I do to make sure it looks great on both mobile and desktop? I am using bootstrap with some Vanilla CSS.



@P1xt Thank you for the support dude! It means a lot to someone who is just starting this crazy journey.

Will check out you-tube playlist my free time, thanks!

@P1xt Quick questions regarding responsiveness, when I resize my window the Image and Youtube link do not adjust like the text and sub-headers do. I am aware this has something to do with Media Query, how can I fix this?

Thank you so much!


@P1xt Hey, sorry to bother you with this. I spent a good amount of my day working on this, and would like your feedback. So far the website looks great when you open it in browser, but when you minimize or view on mobile, the first sub-header (Writer and Actor) does not look good.

I would really appreciate some help on this, as I’m almost finished with my page.


Thanks in advance!

You are my hero! @P1xt. Thank dude.

My tribute page is complete thanks to you.