Trying to join, but not having success


I’m trying to join FCC to take the lessons, but every time I try from my PC laptop, I get an “Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later” message. When I try from my iPhone using the sign in with Google, it works. Any ideas? I’d appreciate the help.

Yeah the server is still sometimes unstable and I think the problem is being worked on. Try different times.

Thank you! I’ll keep trying.


It’s 9:48am 10/15/18. I just logged into my account on my iPhone (screen too small to do any real work). I just tried to log into my account on my PC and got the error message again.


What happens if you open the site incognito? Are you using any VPNs? Web firewalls?

Incognito won’t work, either. I do have Windows Defender Firewall running. I use the Chrome browser. Thank you for replying!

can you post a screen shot of the error? Is it a freeCodeCamp error or a generic google chrome error?

It seems to be a FCC error. I really appreciate you taking your time to help me, Jordan. Thanks!

Randell: When I registered, I clicked on “Continue with Google.” Thanks!


I tried to login with my Samsung tablet and could. However, going to the Curriculum resulted in a SSL error (I had logged in using the Google option).

I also downloaded Firefox to my laptop and tried. Firefox returns a message saying that the certificate is invalid and that Google has configured their site incorrectly, that it should be “https,” which it actually is.

UPDATE: here is the text of the error in Firefox… uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. The server might not be sending the appropriate intermediate certificates. An additional root certificate may need to be imported. Error code: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER”

Still no problems when I use my iPhone, though.

I did call my ISP and they checked; it’s not them. I’m also not running a VPN.

Thanks again for your time! :slight_smile:

10/19/18 Update:

Based on the Firefox error (above), I followed a troubleshooting link to this article:

Per the article’s suggestion (pasted below), I ran the SSL Labs’ test using as the site.

“The website’s certificate might not have been issued by a trusted certificate authority itself and no complete certificate chain to a trusted authority was provided either (a so-called “intermediate certificate” is missing).
You can test if a site is properly configured by entering a website’s address into a third-party tool like SSL Labs’ test page. If it is returning the result “Chain issues: Incomplete”, a proper intermediate certificate is missing. You should contact the owner of the website you’re having troubles accessing to inform them of that problem.

I bolded pertinent info above. The test provided four sets of results (link below):

In all four sets of results, there was at least one “additional” certificate that gave an “incomplete” result per the article above. Some of them resulted in “certificate not trusted.”

So, I’m reporting it to the website by coming here (I was told there are no official tech support people who handle the issue I’m having).

I hope this helps and I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

For learn:

For www

I don’t think the certs are affected.

Open your console – did a library fail to load? I have been getting weird errors if, for example, jQuery fails to load. And it’s possible that the certificates are showing as bad on your system, depending on your system clock. If that is far off from the current dateTime, it can often fail on security issues.


These are coming from Google’s webpage, where you would enter or choose your google account, meaning you may be having an extension which is trying modify the page in ways that your browser does not understand. Commonly known as “man in the middle attack”.

Can you try this over an incognito window, where you have all extensions disabled, including your ad-blockers, anti-virus extensions etc.?

Next, try testing this over on a different network to rule out an ISP issue, for example you can check if using a VPN solves the issue. If it does surely someone in between your computer and our CDN server is trying to block/modify requests.

Finally if possible, share your general location, like City name, Country name. That should help in isolating in case this is local issue.

I was away for the weekend, sorry for the delay.



Open your console – did a library fail to load? I have been getting weird errors if, for example, jQuery fails to load. And it’s possible that the certificates are showing as bad on your system, depending on your system clock. If that is far off from the current dateTime, it can often fail on security issues.

My system clock is accurate. Apologies, but I’m not sure about the library loading question. I’m new at this, so I don’t know.

General location: Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

I tried an incognito window with all extensions disabled and anti-virus turned off. Still no luck. I also tried using the “Continue with Email” option, hoping to cut Google out as the issue. No luck. No matter what sign-in method I choose, the results are the same.

I have not yet tried a VPN (I don’t have one) or a different network (I work at home). I did talk to my ISP though, and they say they can’t find a reason at their end for this, if that helps.

Thanks for your help!

Thanks. I answered below.

Thanks a lot @Jaiser . I’ll take a look at this. Can you drop me an email: mrugesh at freecodecamp dot org just as reminder.