Twitch TV - Set Up

You should add "?callback=?" at the end of your url (I think I saw it in previous versions :thinking: ), remove noAccount() function, make your second getJSON call only after checking if status is not 422 (or 404).

And if you want to console.log(user), change var user = players[i]; to let user = players[i]; (actually change all of the vars to let).

I removed the I removed the ?callback=? because I was experimenting and it did not seem to have much an effect with or with out it… I put it back…

I dont think I will figure this out tonight… until tomorrow

Interesting. -

When I console.log(user). before $.getJSON. I am able to all the indices of the players array appear…

Whe I console.log(user); AFTER the $.getJSON brunofin and comster404 do not appear…

Thoughts?? ’

Because after you call .getJSON with non-existing channel you get error and console.log() doesn’t get executed.

Thank you!!!