Understanding a Falsy Bouncer

The challenge is https://www.freecodecamp.org/challenges/falsy-bouncer

Can someone please explain what’s wrong with my code?

function bouncer(arr) {
     var newArray = arr.filter(function(element){
     return element != Boolean();
  return newArray;
bouncer([7, "ate", "", false, 9, null, false, 0, NaN, undefined]);

It works but it only works for “false” and “0”. I understand that I am overcomplicating myself by doing this when I can simply just use the code below.

function bouncer(arr) {
     var newArray = arr.filter(Boolean);
  return newArray;

However, I am interested in finding what’s the problem.

Thanks in advance!

Boolean() function without the parameter always returns false.
As arr.filter method expects value returned from callback to be Boolean, it will automatically convert it.

     var newArray = arr.filter(function(element){
       return element;