Username constraints are incomplete


You’re overthinking this.

FCC is a software product. You have identified a bug in the FCC codebase. Specifically, the written requirements and tested requirements do not clearly and explicitly match for this challenge.

You may participate in the process of flagging the bug in the repository if you wish. You could even create a fork and propose a fix for the bug. If you don’t want to participate, that’s fine too.

It’s that simple dude.

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if you create an issue about that in the github repository a discussion may start on how to word that better, and then someone, even maybe you if you have a proposition on how it should be worded, can open a pull request and make the change - this is how it works with open source stuff, even more here that it is full of aspiring and actual programmers. And even with different open source projects the user can also be asked to create the issue so that they could be directly asked questions if it is necessary for debugging purposes

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An Issue has been created. Anyone is welcome to take up the PR. I am closing this topic as unproductive.

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