Voting App Finally Completed- Looking For Some Feedback!

Hi Everyone,

So I’ve finally finished my first full stack app. It’s taken a long time to get here, but it’s starting to feel like maybe I’m cut out for this after all. I absolutely love this course, and the supportive community that’s grown along side it.

So please, if you could take a moment to tell me what you think I’d really appreciate it!



The first one is by far the most difficult if you are totally new to full stack. The more projects you make, the easier it will get.

But you have done a really good job. Everything just works and it looks nice as well!

So I did a bit of testing (you may want to clean up your db :wink:).

First, you can vote as many times as you want. Not good.

Second, you have isLogged middleware, but you aren’t using it to protect the routes. I made a couple (of hundreds) surveys by sending automated requests. Also not good.

Third, you are missing few user stories.

Back to drawing board :grinning:

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Haha you bastard :grinning:

Thanks, that’s exactly what I needed. Every time you solve one problem, a hundred new ones open up… but it’s addictive!

Hello James,

I am new to this course.
However I have gone through your project in order to identify to what level this course can bring a person.
Your work is amazing.

I have created a new user account.
I tried recreating it (Failed).
I tried to log in using a different password (Failed).
I created a new survey.
Voted several times for the same survey (Not the real purpose of a survey I guess :wink: )

This has given me the motivation to move forward.

Keep up the good work!


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