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Responsive Web Design Projects

Build A Tribute Page: https://codepen.io/PRANAB_SARKAR/full/NZejRv

Build A Survey Form: https://codepen.io/PRANAB_SARKAR/full/RzvVVP

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I have an 404 with both your links

thanks now i fix it.

Build A Tribute Page: https://codepen.io/PRANAB_SARKAR/full/NZejRv

Build A Survey Form: https://codepen.io/PRANAB_SARKAR/full/RzvVVP

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amazing work on both I like it. However I have some remarks on your Survey Form. First it’s too colored and then on the section “Completed FreeCodeCamp Certificates” you make a radio button which implies one choice between them. As you can do more than one choice I suggest checkbox element. Pearhaps that’s why tabulation button doesn’t work on it.

Thanks for Review :slightly_smiling_face:

I can see that you love using gradients just like I do. I think you added a little too many.
Try to add a little more border-radius.
There are more than a thousand challenges on freecodecamp. probably about 10,000.
At all else, great job!

Thanks For suggestion :slightly_smiling_face::smiley: