We just launched Developer News. Here's how you can use it

Thanks, Steffan. I went through and cleaned up that article’s code blocks and added syntax highlighting.

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I wonder why the code blocks get messed up so often? :thinking:
Well, another one: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-reasonml-by-building-tic-tac-toe-in-react-334203dd513c/ (correct => https://medium.com/free-code-camp/learn-reasonml-by-building-tic-tac-toe-in-react-334203dd513c)
Thanks. :smiley:

It might even work to have a separate thread for ‘code blocks that are messed up’ :slight_smile:

This is awesome. I have been looking to start setting up a blog. I can’t wait to delve into the tool set FCC has put together.

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I had written an article on the freecodecamp medium page that was then published to freecodecamp news when freecodecamp decided to move away from medium completely. However, there are edits that I have made to the article since, and I would like to be able to also make these changes to the freecodecamp news article. Is there any way that I can have access to my article? I filled out the developer news form but didn’t specify that I had already written an article that was published.

@QuincyLarson Hi Quincy, I’ve filled out the form twice, the first being a month ago, and again tonight, as well as sent two emails to team@freecodecamp.org and forwarded them to quincy@freecodecamp.org. Please help.

We review applications in batches. I’m due to review these soon (I’ve just been a bit busy with the big updates. We will respond to your application.

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I often blog about my own solutions that were challenging to figure out, mostly to help reinforce my learning and if someone finds them a search, then good for them.

But I feel like they are not very advanced and are often super specific to solving one issue.

Example: this is a bit dated now but back in 2017 would this have been FCC material?

you can apply and see if they accept it, there are a lot of things, from personal success stories to articles on technologies and deep explanations etc

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Hello I got few tips to improve page performance I hope it will help :smiley:

1. Images

  • Optimize images as possible
  • Use Lazy loads


  • Use gzip to compress
  • I use Cloudflare to compress my site

3. Caching

  • Why not using Cloudflare or other caching provider
  • Cache old posts for longer time unless there are updates

4. JS CSS files

  • First of all, defer all your JS and CSS files except critical ones

  • Use CDN or put your files in a specified subdomain like static.yourdomain.com we can use this for images also.

  • Compress, minify, and combine all your JS and CSS files in one file like header.js, header.css, footer.js, and footer.css

  • Use document.write() to write scripts

  1. Use HTTP/2 for all your request

  2. Maybe eliminate useless or detailed unnecessary compounds in the mobile version

Welcome to the community. Is this the output of Google Lighthouse or did you come up with all of that off the top of your head? :sweat_smile:

Lool Actually I have WordPress :smiley: site online to test and learn more about SEO and different things which I cannot do locally with extensive use of gtmetrix and google website test I memorized them by heart :vulcan_salute: https://www.woorank.com/ is actually also a great tool to help more