Weather app - Added some extra features

I’ve worked on this one for over a week, I added a few extra features such as a loading bar and others ;), I put a lot of effort trying to make it look as presentable as possible. I’ve also implemented Bulma, a CSS framework which i’m still getting used too AND there’s also bootstrap! . I’m still having difficulty with Javascript, hopefully, it’ll be a breeze in a couple weeks. Feel free to fork it out. Pretty happy with this project :slight_smile:

I’m OPEN to ANY criticism, I would like to know how I could have made this a better web app


I originally planned on doing that instead but didn’t know how to do so, or didn’t know what to search on google at the time. I’m not sure if my refresh button works now :s. I changed my background photo to a much smaller size image.

its really cool… Nice design. Am still starting mine and your has inspired me.

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Would love to see your end product!