[Weather App] - can't change from C to F. Don't know how to pass in the temperature and then save it into the click function

Hi guys,

I have a problem.
Working since hours on my weather app. It’s now getting the weather based on the users location. The last part of the puzzle is to change F to C. But it’s not working. I’m now at the point where I’m stuck since hours and google etc. didn’t help me out.

I try to explain it to you now:

At first here is my codepen: https://codepen.io/GeraltDieSocke/pen/yzJrBg

My idea was to set up a function which takes a temperature. In this function there is a onclick method for the temperature

tag on the site.

Then I also added a global variable on top var fahrenheit = true.
So it’s defaulted to true.

The function itself looks as followed (I left comments to make my intentions clear):

function changeMetric(temperature) {
  // save the temperature in the method just for safety
  var temp = temperature;
  // select the temperature p tag and add on click function
  $(".temperature").on("click", function() {
    //check if fahrenheit is true and if yes apply the formula
   if(fahrenheit === true) {
     // convert to Celsius 
     temp = Math.round(temp * 9 / 5 + 32);
     // update p tag with the new temp + C
     $(".temperature").text(temp + "°C");
     // set the variable to false for the next click so the "else" can triger
     fahrenheit = false;
   } else {
     //convert to fahrenheit
     temp = Math.round((temp  -32) * 5 / 9);
     // same as above
     $(".temperature").text(temp + "°F");
     fahrenheit = true;
    // console log for checking. The Console log looks like this:
    // when the first click happens (starting value of 55F)
    // NaN false
    // 13 true
    // second click on p tag:
    // NaN false
    // -11 true
    console.log(temp, fahrenheit);

So as you can see in my comments this is he weird console output. It also changes the values in the p tag to this weird numbers.
So first click => 13°F
Second click => -11°F
… it stops after 8 clicks and -39°F

So where is my big mistake? Now you wonder when do I call the function and pass in the method?
In my getWeather function at the end after everything is updated:
changeMetric(temperature); (see also in the codepen).
Now the question: Is a click event always listening and always gets called on a click?. Because the click event is inside this function. So how does this work and can I do this? Is it still listening altough it’s inside another function which first has to be “called” ?

Please help me out here I think I made some big mistakes.

Help very much appreciated :slight_smile:
Thanks guys!!

You are the man!!
Thank you it’s working now.

Also very good explained.

One more thing:

If I want to make the code more readable (because the function is already so cluttered and long). Do I need to put the onclick into the same method due to the variable scope?
How can I outsource this into a method?

Ah yes. Instead of creating the code in the callback function I just create a seperate function and pass it in as callback.

Thank you Mr!