Weather icons for weather app

Hey, guys I was wondering if there were any other CDN available to use in replace of the freecodecamp ones. I am using .com but all that shows up are 4 rec bars. I have looked at others projects who implemented the and it seems to no longer show up.

I am trying to use these icons

see my code pen here

try using a CDN

i’m using a CDN for a project and it’s working.

you can also download the library but i’m not sure if Codepen lets you use it

no , its not working. can i see your codepen. Did you make this work?

I’m using this lib and its working. Openweather has a mapping now, i think, for this icons. By the time i was doing this challange there was no icon mapping for this lib so i had to do it myself. here my weather app

Back when I did this project, about a year ago, I used skycons,

And they do have a cdn link, the animation also still works

Dude, It works. Thank you so much.