What code editor software do you recommend for freecodecamp.org?

What code editor software do you recommend for freecodecamp.org?

What do you mean?

what I mean is code editor software for example Xcode, Atom, Eclipse, NetBeans, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Aptana Studio, PhpStorm, Codenvy, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhoneGap, CodeLite, Qt Creator, Arduino IDE, KDevelop, RubyMine, Adobe Flash Builder, CLion, BlueJ, Oracle JDeveloper etc.

freeCodeCamp has a built in editor with syntax awareness, but if you want to edit your code locally I wouldn’t recommend bothering with a large IDE. If I’m editing a simple file, like the sort you’ll be dealing with, I use something along the lines of Sublime or Notepad++.

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