What do you prefer? Pure CSS or the Super Amazing, Awesome SASS?

Yeah, Sass kinda quietly faded from view, it doesn’t really get used very much at all afaik even though it’s available, but Sass kinda gets used to mean SCSS a lot of the time (like the main website is sass-lang.com, the compiler is libsass or dartsass, etc etc). It gets a bit confusing tbh

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Most of SASS began to fade away, but most people still uses SCSS. Because it still has that CSS feel and with some added logic features that SASS have. That’s what I mainly use.


Yeah, sorry I should have been clearer – it’s just the original indented syntax that’s faded away, Sass and SCSS are used almost interchangeably now to refer to the SCSS syntax

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I really like SASS, but I don’t bother with it for small projects because… meh.


At my job we use CSS exclusively.

There are some drawbacks to not using CSS.
First of all, you have to recompile every time you make a change & when your project gets bigger it’s annoying to wait to finish.

The CSS file it generates is usually significantly bigger.

As a new developer you can’t go wrong knowing pure CSS, but if you land a job where they don’t use SASS it’s going to be a PITA.

As long as you write good CSS there’s really no reason to use SASS. Most browsers cache css rules anyways after 1st visit. And if you use http2 you can use server pushes to fix first time loaders too.


How about exporting in min css?

I’m not sure which backend language you’re using,… but we use PHP, node and python on different servers and on different parts of site.

So here’s an example, for each page of the website we name the css file that name.
So if I’m on the blacklist page, the css filename would be blacklist.css - Also, all the rules in that file would begin with .blacklist

All of our css files would be in one folder. When we start the server, we get all the css files in one folder and combine it into one large css file, then regex out all the %tokens% with whatever the user had saved in the database for themes, we also remove all the spacing giving you a finished product of a compress single css file.

This allows finding css rules super easy and it’s compressed & easy to update for any programmer as long as they know the page.



I think I have been wrongly tagged here, just letting you know. I don’t think it was me that made this video :slight_smile:

Hi @Beau!

I just changed the original post to the correct staff member beau carnes.

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Thanks @jwilkins.oboe!

I prefer Sass by the way :slight_smile: