What HTML tag to use?

if i create section where i have:

        <small class='time-event'>
          <em class='desc-event'>
              Drink with Jessica

What i should use to wrap this ‘time-event’ and ‘desc-event’?

Wouldn’t a <div> do?

<div> is last resort, i want something that describe
i look at div like huge trunk

<div class="event">?

Sorry if I keep pushing it with <div>.

If you intend to make a list of events, why not use <ul>? Then CSS away the list bullets.

i use `ul`  

    <ul id='rest-event'>
        <small class='time-event'>
      <em class='desc-event'>
          Drink with Jessica


Did the < ul > code work???

I wrote this dots, to visually declare structure ( like more below ) i made for my example, if u ask that