What is the best coding practice site?

There are plenty of sites that help you improve your coding skills and prepare for technical interviews like:

  • HackerRank
  • CheckiO
  • CodeAbbey
  • CodeWars
  • CodinGame
  • LeetCode
  • etc.
    Do you use any of these? What is in your opinion the best one? I’ve using CodeWars for a while and i’ve been enjoying it but i’d like to know if there’s something better out there :smile: If yours isn’t in this quick made list or you have any other opinion about these sites, please feel free to share it.

I use CodeWars and personally think its the best.

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Hackerrank is great, but if you’re willing to branch out, CodeChef, TopCoder and Codeforces hold better contests with better problems. Those would require learning C++, C, Java or (on a few) Python. However, coding skills translate to any language, so I would recommend giving these a go.

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I think HackerRank and CodeWars are both great.

You may also want to check out Coderbyte and CodeFights.

If you need regex practice Regex Crossword is also fun.