Which of the new beta exercises are worth spending time on?

The beta exercises seem to be completely different from what we have now. For example ES6, Object & Function programming.

I am doing basic algos right now. Do you guys recommend I set them aside for these new exercises?

I am doing basic algos right now. Do you guys recommend I set them aside for these new exercises?

Not really, the Beta exercises are here to stay. In fact, by the time you finish algorithm scripting, the Beta challenges are more than likely be updated and have some bugs fixed.

Also, most Algorithm Scripting challenges in the beta are similar to what we have now in the released version. So finishing off what you started won’t harm!

Perhaps afterward – when you’re done with the Algorithm Scripting challenges – you might want to consider moving on to the beta version. Although I would not highly recommend that, as bugs interfering with your learning is never a good thing.

I am also looking forward to the Beta Release,
Best of luck.

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Hello CMmz,
I recommend starting beta. The maps of exercises are different but lead to the same place. The exercises “required” for certifications have a star, in each map. The lessons prepare you for these on both tracks(except the D3 and React section on Live). Beta uses “current” coding practices like ES6, etc that you should get familiar with. The first few projects in each section are the same or similar.

If you go to beta I highly recommend doing the exercises on an editor like Sublime, Atom, Notepad++ or VSCode. Beta’s checking system is a little buggy at the moment. There’s no time table on when Beta will go live but Beta Certificates will replace the current ones when it does.

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I just completed the alpha React exercises, which are pretty good. I would recommend it for learners in the data vis section.

I think some concepts finally clicked into place with the many small exercises. I had previously read some of the official react docs and did the intro sections from reacttraining.com.

Though one won’t get brownie points from completing the alpha exercises now, they helped me speed up the completion of the React projects in the current map.

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