Why is my Responsive Web Design Projects not Updating?

Finished the 5 responsive websites
Build a Tribute Page
Build a Survey Form
Build a Product Landing Page
Build a Technical Documentation Page
Build a Personal Portfolio Web page

None is updating to show I have completed the challenges.
I used Code Pen for the project.

Kindly Assist.

Welcome back @Maliciouscode. Could you be a little more specific since we can’t see what you see.
What does ‘none is updating to show I have completed the challenges’ mean? None of what?

Not updating

This is not updating.

I have tried to FORK my Code Pen Projects then copied the link and it has updated. I didn’t know you have to FORK the pen for it to work.

Right, you have to fork the sample page and create your own and save it, then you submit that. You’re not allowed to do any updates to the sample projects.
Good to hear you got it squared away.
Happy coding!

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