Word Blanks:i dont get what were supposed to do

If you read the challenge is about concatenation, meaning adding to an already existing string more text that is in another variable for example

var aVariableWithMoreText = "that is finished by this variable."
var myFancyString = "This is my sentence " + aVariableWithMoreText
console.log(myFancyString) // Should output "This is my sentence that is finished by this variable."

So what you have to do is to change the variable result from an empty string to a concatenation of all of the parameters separated by an empty space like so: var result = myNoun + " space or random text here " + myAdjective + " " + .... (… is here so you replace the remaining 2 parameters :smiley: )

You are advised in the challenge to play around with concatenating strings and variables on whichever order so you understand the concept better.