原文:Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript for Beginners,作者:Germán Cocca

大家好,这篇文章将使用 JavaScript 示例来讲解面向对象编程(OOP)的主要特征。

我将讲解 OOP 的主要概念、OOP 为什么有用以及在什么时候有用,全文展示大量 JS 示例。






正如我之前关于编程范式的文章所述,OOP 的核心是将关注点和责任分离到不同实体


OOP 在大规模项目中非常有用,因为它方便代码的模块化和组织。


为了更好地理解 OOP 的应用,我们来编写一个小游戏作为示例。我们将专注于游戏中角色的创建,以此来观察 OOP 在这个过程中是怎么起作用的。👽 👾 🤖



假设我们有 3 种不同的角色“种类”,我们想要创造 6 个不同的角色,每一个种类两个角色。


const alien1 = {
    name: "Ali",
    species: "alien",
    phrase: () => console.log("I'm Ali the alien!"),
    fly: () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
const alien2 = {
    name: "Lien",
    species: "alien",
    sayPhrase: () => console.log("Run for your lives!"),
    fly: () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
const bug1 = {
    name: "Buggy",
    species: "bug",
    sayPhrase: () => console.log("Your debugger doesn't work with me!"),
    hide: () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")
const bug2 = {
    name: "Erik",
    species: "bug",
    sayPhrase: () => console.log("I drink decaf!"),
    hide: () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")
const Robot1 = {
    name: "Tito",
    species: "robot",
    sayPhrase: () => console.log("I can cook, swim and dance!"),
    transform: () => console.log("Optimus prime!")
const Robot2 = {
    name: "Terminator",
    species: "robot",
    sayPhrase: () => console.log("Hasta la vista, baby!"),
    transform: () => console.log("Optimus prime!")

所有的角色都拥有 namespecies属性以及 sayPhrase方法。此外,每一个种类(species)都有一个专属的方法(如 alien 的fly方法)。



console.log(alien1.name) // 输出:"Ali"
console.log(bug2.species) // 输出:"bug"
Robot1.sayPhrase() // 输出:"I can cook, swim and dance!"
Robot2.transform() // 输出:"Optimus prime!"



类使用预设的属性和方法来创建对象的蓝图。创建完毕类之后,可以通过实例化(创建)对象。 对象会继承类的所有属性和方法。


class Alien { // 类的名称
    // constructor 方法会传入一些参数,并将这些参数分配给对象的属性
    constructor (name, phrase) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.species = "alien"
    // 这部分将作为对象的方法
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)

class Bug {
    constructor (name, phrase) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.species = "bug"
    hide = () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)

class Robot {
    constructor (name, phrase) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.species = "robot"
    transform = () => console.log("Optimus prime!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)


const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!")
//我们使用 “new” 关键字和对应的类名称
//然后根据类中构造函数(constructor function)声明的形参传入对应的实参

const alien2 = new Alien("Lien", "Run for your lives!")
const bug1 = new Bug("Buggy", "Your debugger doesn't work with me!")
const bug2 = new Bug("Erik", "I drink decaf!")
const Robot1 = new Robot("Tito", "I can cook, swim and dance!")
const Robot2 = new Robot("Terminator", "Hasta la vista, baby!")


console.log(alien1.name) // 输出:"Ali"
console.log(bug2.species) // 输出:"bug"
Robot1.sayPhrase() // 输出:"I can cook, swim and dance!"
Robot2.transform() // 输出:"Optimus prime!"





程序中类被定义为一种自定义数据结构“类型”,包含了数据运行所需的数据和行为。类定义了数据结构如何运行,但是类本身不是具体的值。若要在程序中使用具体的值,必须一次或者多次实例化(使用 “new” 关键字)类。

  • 请记住类并不是具体的实体或者对象。类是我们用来创建具体对象的蓝图或者模具。
  • 通常类的命名首字母大写并使用驼峰式,class 关键字创建常量,所以之后不能更改命名。
  • 类必须拥有一个 constructor 方法,之后被用来实例化类。JavaScript 中的 constructor 只是一个普通的返回对象的函数。唯一特殊的地方在于,使用 “new” 关键字调用这个函数,会将其原型分配为被返回的原型。
  • “this” 关键字指向类本身,并在 constructor 方法内定义类的属性。
  • 添加方法只需要定义函数名和函数内部需要执行的代码。
  • JavaScript 是一门基于原型的语言,JavaScript 中的类只是一种语法糖。虽然了解这个概念不会对你的使用造成巨大的影响,但是还是有必要知道这一点,相关话题你可以阅读这篇文章

OOP 的四大原则

通常 OOP 有四个关键原则,这四个关键原则决定了 OOP 程序如何运作。它们是继承、封装、抽象和多态。让我们分别看看这四个特征。


继承是 基于类创建其他类的能力。通过继承,我们可以先定义父类 (包含一些属性和方法), 然后再定义子类,子类继承父类的所有属性和方法。

让我们来看具体的例子。假设所有我们之前定义的角色都是主角的敌人。这些敌人都拥有 “power(力量)”属性和 “attack(攻击)”方法。



class Bug {
    constructor (name, phrase, power) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
        this.species = "bug"
    hide = () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Robot {
    constructor (name, phrase, power) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
        this.species = "robot"
    transform = () => console.log("Optimus prime!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

const bug1 = new Bug("Buggy", "Your debugger doesn't work with me!", 10)
const Robot1 = new Robot("Tito", "I can cook, swim and dance!", 15)

console.log(bug1.power) //输出:10
Robot1.attack() // 输出:"I'm attacking with a power of 15!"

但是你也发现了我们在重复代码,所以这并不是最优的写法。更好的办法是声明一个父类 “Enemy”,然后其他所有敌人种类都继承这个父类,如下:

class Enemy {
    constructor(power) {
        this.power = power

    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)


在上面的例子中,Enemy 类和其他所有类一样,我们使用 constructor 方法来接受参数,并且将它们分配给属性,方法用普通函数声明。

在子类中,我们使用 extends 关键字来声明我们需要继承父类。在 constructor 方法中,我们必须声明 “power” 参数并且使用super函数,来表示属性是在父元素中声明的。

当我们实例化新的对象的时候,其实我们传入了声明在 constructor 函数里的参数。哒哒! 我们就可以在实例中访问在父类中声明的属性和方法了。😎

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10)
const alien2 = new Alien("Lien", "Run for your lives!", 15)

alien1.attack() // 输出:I'm attacking with a power of 10!
console.log(alien2.power) // 输出:15

现在假设我们想要添加一个新的父类,包含所有的角色(不论是不是敌人),我们给这个类设定 “speed”(速度)属性和 “move”(移动)方法,我们可以这样编写代码:

class Character {
    constructor (speed) {
        this.speed = speed

    move = () => console.log(`I'm moving at the speed of ${this.speed}!`)

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(power, speed) {
        this.power = power

    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(power, speed)
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)

我们首先声明新的 “Character” 父类,然后让 Enemy 类继承它。最后我们在 Alien 类中使用 constructorsuper 函数来传入新的 “speed” 参数。

我们同样在实例化的同时传入参数, 哒哒! 我们又可以在实例中访问“祖父”类的属性和方法了。👴

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)
const alien2 = new Alien("Lien", "Run for your lives!", 15, 60)

alien1.move() // 输出:"I'm moving at the speed of 50!"
console.log(alien2.speed) // 输出:60


class Character {
    constructor (speed) {
        this.speed = speed
    move = () => console.log(`I'm moving at the speed of ${this.speed}!`)

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

class Bug extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "bug"
    hide = () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")

class Robot extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "robot"
    transform = () => console.log("Optimus prime!")

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)
const alien2 = new Alien("Lien", "Run for your lives!", 15, 60)
const bug1 = new Bug("Buggy", "Your debugger doesn't work with me!", 25, 100)
const bug2 = new Bug("Erik", "I drink decaf!", 5, 120)
const Robot1 = new Robot("Tito", "I can cook, swim and dance!", 125, 30)
const Robot2 = new Robot("Terminator", "Hasta la vista, baby!", 155, 40)



  • 一个子类只能继承一个父类,不可以继承多个父类。虽然确实有相应的技巧来解决这个问题。
  • 你可以根据需求扩展继承链,设置父类、祖父类、太祖父类等。
  • 如果子类从父类继承一些属性,必须首先使用super()函数并将父类属性传参,然后再设定子类自己的属性。


// 正确写法:
class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

// 错误写法:
class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.species = "alien" // ReferenceError: Must call super constructor in derived class before accessing 'this' or returning from derived constructor
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
  • 在继承的时候,所有父类的方法和属性都会被子类继承,我们并不能决定继承哪些,不继承哪些。(就像我们不能决定从我们的父母那里继承哪些美德和缺点一样。😅 在讲组合的时候我们会重新提到这个点)。
  • 子类可以覆盖掉父类的属性和方法。

举一个例子,在之前的代码中,Alien 类继承了 Enemy 类的attack 方法,并打印 I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)
alien1.attack() // 输出: I'm attacking with a power of 10!

假设我们希望 Alien 的 attack 方法表现不同,我们可以覆盖这个方法:

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    attack = () => console.log("Now I'm doing a different thing, HA!") // 覆盖父类的方法

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)
alien1.attack() // 输出:"Now I'm doing a different thing, HA!"


封装是 OOP 另一个关键概念。封装代表对象有“决定”将什么信息暴露在“外部”的能力。封装通过公共和私有属性/方法来实现。

在 JavaScript 中,所有对象的属性和方法默认为公共的。“公共”意味着我们可以在函数体外部获取对象的属性和方法。

// 类
class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

// 对象
const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)

// 获取公共属性和方法
console.log(alien1.name) // output: Ali
alien1.sayPhrase() // output: "I'm Ali the alien!"


假设我们希望我们的 Alien 类有一个birthYear属性, 这个属性可以执行howOld方法,但我们不希望这个属性被除了对象以外的任何地方访问到,我们可以这样做:

class Alien extends Enemy {
    #birthYear // 首先我们要声明一个私有属性,通常是用 “#” 打头

    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed, birthYear) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
        this.#birthYear = birthYear // 然后将它赋值到 constructor 函数
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    howOld = () => console.log(`I was born in ${this.#birthYear}`) // 在对应的方法中使用
// 实例化的方法不变
const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50, 10000)

我们可以访问 howOld 方法,如下:

alien1.howOld() // 输出:"I was born in 10000"


console.log(alien1.#birthYear) // 报错
// 输出:
// Alien {
//     move: [Function: move],
//     speed: 50,
//     sayPhrase: [Function: sayPhrase],
//     attack: [Function: attack],
//     name: 'Ali',
//     phrase: "I'm Ali the alien!",
//     power: 10,
//     fly: [Function: fly],
//     howOld: [Function: howOld],
//     species: 'alien'
//   }






最后就是多态这个概念(听上去挺复杂的,不是吗?OOP 的命名赛高!🙃 )。多态意味着“多种形态”,实际上这是一个简单的概念,表示的在不同的特定条件下使用一种方法返回不同的值。

举个例子,我们发现Enemy类拥有 sayPhrase方法。 那么所有继承 Enemy 类的子种类都拥有 sayPhrase方法。


const alien2 = new Alien("Lien", "Run for your lives!", 15, 60)
const bug1 = new Bug("Buggy", "Your debugger doesn't work with me!", 25, 100)

alien2.sayPhrase() // 输出:"Run for your lives!"
bug1.sayPhrase() // 输出:"Your debugger doesn't work with me!"

这是因为我们在每一个子类实例化的时候,传入了不一样的参数。这是一种形式的多态—— 基于参数的多态。👌

另一种多态是基于继承的多态, 指的是子类覆盖了父类的属性和方法。上文的例子在这里也可以使用:

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")
    attack = () => console.log("Now I'm doing a different thing, HA!") // 覆盖父类的方法

const alien1 = new Alien("Ali", "I'm Ali the alien!", 10, 50)
alien1.attack() // 输出: "Now I'm doing a different thing, HA!"

这里也是多态,是因为如果我们取消 ALien 类中的 attack 方法,我们仍可以在实例中调用这个方法:

alien1.attack() // 输出:"I'm attacking with a power of 10!"






假设我们想要给 bug 角色添加飞行的能力,在我们的代码中,只有外星人有 fly 方法。一种方式是让Bug类继承:

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

class Bug extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "bug"
    hide = () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!") //我们重复了代码 =(

另一种方法是我们可以将 fly方法迁移到 Enemy里,这样 AlienBug 类都继承了这个方法。但这样同样使得不需要这个方法的类也继承了,如 Robot

class Enemy extends Character {
    constructor(name, phrase, power, speed) {
        this.name = name
        this.phrase = phrase
        this.power = power
    sayPhrase = () => console.log(this.phrase)
    attack = () => console.log(`I'm attacking with a power of ${this.power}!`)
    fly = () => console.log("Zzzzzziiiiiinnnnnggggg!!")

class Alien extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "alien"

class Bug extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "bug"
    hide = () => console.log("You can't catch me now!")

class Robot extends Enemy {
    constructor (name, phrase, power, speed) {
        super(name, phrase, power, speed)
        this.species = "robot"
    transform = () => console.log("Optimus prime!")
	// 我并不需要飞行的方法 =(



const bug1 = new Bug("Buggy", "Your debugger doesn't work with me!", 25, 100)

const addFlyingAbility = obj => {
    obj.fly = () => console.log(`Now ${obj.name} can fly!`)

bug1.fly() // 输出:"Now Buggy can fly!"





OOP 是一个强大的编程范式,可以帮助我们通过创建实体抽象来执行庞大的项目。每一个实体负责特定的信息和行为,实体之间也可以相互作用,就像现实生活这样。

在这篇文章中,我们学习了类、继承、封装、抽象、多态和组合。这些都是 OOP 世界中的关键概念。我们同样浏览了各种通过 JavaScript 实现 OOP 的例子。

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