Jason Lengstorf is a prolific developer and long-time host of the Learn with Jason show.

Over the years, Jason has interviewed over 150 developers and built projects with them – all live on stream.

And now his Learn with Jason show is coming to freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel for a career-focused series of developer interviews called Developers Connect the Dots.

freeCodeCamp will live-stream Jason's interviews every Friday at 1 p.m. EST (6 p.m. GMT).

Here are his guests:

These interviews are 60-minute, story-driven, and will really get to the heart of what drew these people to tech. Jason will also explore the various challenges these developers overcame along the way.

These interviews should be an ideal source of inspiration for any developers gearing up for the job search.

The stream will be here on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel. You can go there and set a reminder so that YouTube notifies you when the stream goes live.

And yes, these interviews will remain available on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel after they are finished. But if you join live, you'll get to hang out in chat and witness the interview as it happens.

How Jason Helps Lift up New Developers

As a teenager, Jason cut his teeth on web development by building websites for his Montana-based punk band.

He dropped out of college and learned to code using books, online resources, the support of the online community, and a whole lot of trial and error.

After working as a developer at IBM and Gatsby, he now works as a developer experience engineer at Netlify and runs Learn With Jason to keep learning and sharing.

Prior to transitioning into tech, Jason earned a living doing everything from foodservice, to working as a touring musician, to graphic design, to selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door.

“I’m continually surprised by how many skills I learned outside of tech that help me to do better as a developer every single day,he says. “There’s a lot that goes into a successful career as a developer, and quite a bit of it has very little to do with writing code.

Jason's show aims to lift up new developers by sharing real-life stories of successful developers who have built strong careers for themselves. He places a special focus on all the things they learned from previous experiences outside of tech that have helped them along the way.

You can follow Jason on Twitter here.

Again, here is the link for the first interview live stream in the series.