by Gareth Fuller


How to pass Rails instance variables into Vue components

I’m currently working with a legacy Rails application. We are slowly transitioning the front-end from Rails views to a Vue application.

As part of this transition, we have some elements that we want to turn into global Vue components. We want to be able to use these components within our existing Rails views and within a Vue application without having to customize each component to handle both situations.

Before I share my solution to this problem, here is an example single file Vue component that we want to be able to use in both scenarios (Rails view and Vue Application):

// Payments.vue
<template lang="html">  <div id="payments>    <div class="payment" v-for="payment in payments>      {{ payment.amount }}    </div>  </div></template>
<script>export default {  name: 'payments'
  props: {    payments: { type: Array }  }}</script>
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

From within a Vue app, this is a straightforward component to use, right? For example:

// app/javascript/App.vue
<template lang="html">  <div id="app>    <payments :payments="payments" />  </div></template>
<script>import Payments from './Payments.vue'
export default {  name: 'app',
  components: { Payments },
  data () {    return {      payments: [        { amount: 123.00 },        { amount: 124.00 }      ]    }  }</script>
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

But what about using it in a Rails view?


So a solution for using the Payments.vue component in Rails looks like this:

// app/views/payments/index.haml
.global-comp  = content_tag 'comp-wrapper', nil, data: { component: 'payments', props: { payments: @payments } }.to_json

Let’s break this element down.

.global-comp is a div (with class “global-comp”) for mounting a super simple Vue instance. This Vue instance gives us a wrapper component to use called CompWrapper.vue (we’ll get to what CompWrapper is for in a minute).

Here is the Vue instance mounted to .global-comp:

// app/javascript/packs/global_comp.js
import Vue from 'vue/dist/vue.esm'import CompWrapper from './CompWrapper'
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {  const app = new Vue({    components: { CompWrapper }  }).$mount('.global-comp')})

All this does is make the component (CompWrapper.vue) available to us within a div with the class global-comp.

If you are using Webpacker with Rails, you will need to include this pack within your layout somewhere before the closing body tag. For example:

// app/views/layouts/application.haml
= javascript_pack_tag "global_comp"


This is the fun part. CompWrapper.vue allows us to pass:

  1. The name of the component we want to use, for example, “payments”
  2. The props we want to pass to it

The whole purpose of this wrapper component is to allow us to pass Rails instance variables like @payments into our components as props without having to handle this from within each component like Payments.vue.

So here is CompWrapper.vue:

// app/javascript/CompWrapper.vue
<template lang="html">  <component :is="data.component" v-bind="data.props"></component></template>
<script>import * as components from './components'
export default {  name: 'comp-wrapper',
  data () {    return {      data: {}    }  },
  created() { = JSON.parse(this.$  }}</script>
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>

The first thing the CompWrapper component is doing is taking the data attributes you set on the element in the Rails view, parsing the JSON, and setting an internal Vue data attribute with the parsed data:

created() { = JSON.parse(this.$}

with set we can then use it to select the component we want to use and pass it the props we provided in our Rails view using a Vue dynamic component:

<component :is="data.component" v-bind="data.props"></component>

And that’s it!

We can now use Vue components as they’re meant to be used, but from within our rails views. ?