Yii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework used to create all kinds of web apps. We've released a full video course on how to use the Yii2 framework.

In this course, you will learn how to create a YouTube clone from Zura Sekhniashvili. This is for complete beginners, but you should be a little familiar with PHP.

Demo of the YouTube clone you will create in this course.

Zura will show how to use the Yii2 framework to develop both the front-end and back-end of the site. A user who is a creator will be able to upload videos and provide metadata about the videos. Creators will be able to mark videos as published or unlisted, and even see video analytics. A user who is a viewer will be able to watch videos, like and dislike videos, find similar videos, subscribe, and search for videos.

By the end of this course, you will understand how to use the Yii2 framework and how to apply it to your own projects.

Check out the video below or watch it on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel.