When creating a class in Python, you'll usually create attributes that may be shared across every object of a class or attributes that will be unique to each object of the class.

In this article, we'll see the difference between class attributes and instance attributes in Python with examples.

Before we do that, let's see how to create a class in Python.

How to Create a Class in Python

To create a class in Python, we use the class keyword followed by the name of the class. Here is an example:

class Student:
    name = "Jane"
    course = "JavaScript"

In the code above, we created a class called Student with a name and course property. Now let's create new objects from this class.

class Student:
    name = "Jane"
    course = "JavaScript"
Student1 = Student()

# Jane

We've created a new object called Student1 from the Student class.

When we printed Student1.name, we got "Jane" printed to the console. Recall that the value of Jane was stored in a variable in the original class created.

This name and course variables are actually class attributes. We'll see more examples in the next section to help you understand better.

Class and Instance Attributes in Python

To give a basic definition of both terms, class attributes are class variables that are inherited by every object of a class. The value of class attributes remain the same for every new object.

Like you will see in the examples in this section, class attributes are defined outside the __init__() function.

On the other hand, instance attributes, which are defined in the __init__() function, are class variables that allow us to define different values for each object of a class.

Here is an example:

class Student:
    school = "freeCodeCamp.org"
    def __init__(self, name, course):
        self.name = name
        self.course = course
Student1 = Student("Jane", "JavaScript")
Student2 = Student("John", "Python")

print(Student1.name) # Jane
print(Student2.name) # John

In the code above, we created a variable in the Student class called school.

We created two more variables but in the __init__() function – name and course – which we initialized using the self parameter.

The first parameter in an __init__() function is used to initialize other parameters when creating variables in the function. You can call it whatever you want – by convention, self is mostly used.

The school variable acts as a class attribute while name and course are instance attributes. Let's break the example above down to explain instance attributes.

Student1 = Student("Jane", "JavaScript")
Student2 = Student("John", "Python")

print(Student1.name) # Jane
print(Student2.name) # John

We created two objects from the Student class – Student1 and Student2. Each of these objects, by default, will have all the variables created in the class. But each object is able to have its own name and course variable because they were created in the __init__() function.

Now let's print the school variable for each object and see what happens.

print(Student1.school) # freeCodeCamp.org
print(Student2.school) # freeCodeCamp.org

Both gave us the same value because the school variable is a class attribute.


In this article, we saw how to create a class in Python and the differences between class and instance attributes.

In summary, class attributes remain the same for every object and are defined outside the __init__() function. Instance attributes are somewhat dynamic because they can have different values in each object.

Instance attributes are defined in the __init__() function.

Happy coding!