AND && and OR || are logical operators in JavaScript which you can use for performing different logical expressions. In this article, I'll explain the difference between them.

The goal of this article is for you to understand how these operators work and how they are different.

To understand these operators, it's important to understand the concept of truthy and falsy values in JavaScript.

Truthy and Falsy values

In JavaScript, many values can be represented by their boolean equivalents. A value that is represented by false is a falsy value and a value that is represented by true is a truthy value. Let's see some examples:

"" // empty string

The values 0, false, undefined, null, and empty string "" are falsy values because their boolean representations are false.

As for truthy values, any value that is not falsy is truthy. This means truthy values include true, 1, [3. 4], {}, "hello".

Now that we have that out of the way, let's see how these tie into the AND and OR operators.

I have a video version of this topic if you're interested in that.

The AND operator

The logical AND operator is used between two operands in an expression like this:

operand1 && operand2

The operator returns the second operand if the first operand is a truthy value. If the first operand is a falsy value, the operator would return the first operand instead. As we have seen, a truthy value is a value that evaluates to true.

Let's see an example:

const exp1 = 5
const exp2 = "Dillion"

const result = exp1 && exp2

// "Dillion"

In this example, we have exp1 with a value of 5 and exp2 with a value of "Dillion". Then we have the result variable which holds the returned value from using the && operator between exp1 and exp2.

What happens here is that the operator, from the left, checks if exp1 is a truthy value. 5 is a truthy value, so the operator returns the value on the right. That's why result holds the value of "Dillion".

Let's see another example where we use the AND operator multiple times:

function returnFalsy() {
  return ""

const exp1 = [1, 2]
const exp2 = returnFalsy()
const exp3 = { name: "Dillion" }

const result = exp1 && exp2 && exp3

// ""

As we can see in this example, we have:

  • exp1 with an array
  • exp1 with the returned value of calling returnFalsy() (which is an empty string--a falsy value)
  • exp3 with an object

Lastly, we have the result variable which holds the returned value from using the && operator between exp1 and exp2 and between exp2 and exp3.

What we have here is exp1 && exp2 as operand 1 and operand 2. Then the result of this expression will become operand 1 for the next expression: result && exp3. exp3 here is the second operand in the second expression.

What happens here is that the operator, from the left, checks if exp1 is a truthy value. In this case, we have an array, which is a truthy value, which means the second operand exp2 will be returned. exp2 becomes the first operand, and exp3 becomes the second operand for the second expression.

The second && operator checks if exp2 is a truthy value. In this case, the empty string "" is a falsy value, so the operator returns exp2. It doesn't bother checking exp3 because the fact that exp2 is falsy, means the operator would stop checking from left to right.

What happens here is short-circuiting which you can learn more about in my article on short-circuit operators

The OR operator

The logical OR operator is used between two operands in an expression like this:

operand1 || operand2

The operator returns the first operand if the first operand is a truthy value. If the first operand is a falsy value, the operator would return the second operand instead.

Let's see an example:

const exp1 = 5
const exp2 = "Dillion"

const result = exp1 || exp2

// 5

In this example, we have exp1 with a value of 5 and exp2 with a value of "Dillion". Then we have the result variable which holds the returned value from using the || operator between exp1 and exp2.

What happens here is that the operator, from the left, checks if exp1 is a truthy value. 5 is a truthy value, so the operator returns it. That's why result holds the value of 5.

The OR operator doesn't bother checking exp2 because it already found a truthy value. This is the opposite of the AND operator. AND keeps going from left to right as long as true. But OR stops (again, short-circuiting once it sees a true--it only keeps going from left to right as long as false

Let's see another example where we use the OR operator multiple times:

function returnFalsy() {
  return ""

const exp1 = null
const exp2 = returnFalsy()
const exp3 = { name: "Dillion" }

const result = exp1 || exp2 || exp3

// { name: "Dillion" }

As we can see in this example, we have:

  • exp1 with a value of null (a falsy value)
  • exp1 with the returned value of calling returnFalsy() (which is an empty string--a falsy value)
  • exp3 with an object

Lastly, we have the result variable which holds the returned value from using the || operator between exp1 and exp2 and between exp2 and exp3.

What we have here is exp1 || exp2 as operand 1 and operand 2. Then the result of this expression will become operand 1 for the next expression: result || exp3. exp3 here is the second operand in the second expression.

What happens here is that the operator, from the left, checks if exp1 is a truthy value. In this case, we have null, which is a falsy value, which means the second operand exp2 will be returned. exp2 becomes the first operand, and exp3 becomes the second operand for the second expression.

The second || operator checks if exp2 is a truthy value. In this case, the empty string "" is a falsy value, so the operator returns exp3. As you notice here, the OR operator keeps going as long as it comes across false values. It only stops once it finds a truthy value or when it comes to the end of the expressions.

Using AND and OR in if statements

if statements allow you to create conditional statements where you determine what would be executed based on a condition.

Let's see an example where we use AND in an if statement:

const isLoggedIn = true
const cart = []

if (isLoggedIn && cart.length) {
  console.log("Cart not empty")
} else {
  console.log("Cart is empty")

Can you guess the result of executing this code? The result is:

// Cart is empty

Here's why. The condition for the if statement is isLoggedIn && cart.length. The left operand is isLoggedIn which evaluates to true. Remember that the && operator returns the right operand if the left operand is true. It only returns the left operand if the left operand is false. In this case, the operator would return cart.length, which evaluates to 0 since the cart array is empty.

Which means the if block is executed as if(0).

The if statement would coerce 0 to a boolean value. As we saw earlier, 0 is a falsy value. So the if statement seeing that the condition expression 0 is false, would execute the else block: console.log("Cart is empty"). You can learn more about type coercion in this article.

Let's say OR was used instead:

const isLoggedIn = true
const cart = []

if (isLoggedIn || cart.length) {
  console.log("Cart not empty")
} else {
  console.log("Cart is empty")

Can you guess the result of this? Here it is:

// Cart not empty

Here's why. The condition for the if statement here is isLoggedIn || cart.length. The left operand is isLoggedIn which evaluates to true. Remember that the || operator returns the left operand if it is true. It only returns the right operand if the left operand is false. In this case, the operator would return isLoggedIn which evaluates to true.

Which means the if block is executed as if(true).

In this case, coercion doesn't happen as true is already a boolean value. So the if statement seeing that the condition expression true is true, would execute the if block: console.log("Cart not empty").

Wrap Up

Here's a summary of the difference between AND and OR:

  • AND returns the right expression if the left expression is true
  • AND returns the left expression if the left expression is false
  • OR returns the right expression if the left expression is false
  • OR returns the left expression if the left expression is true

You notice that the OR is the inverse of AND? While AND keeps going to the right as long as the left is true, LEFT keeps going to the right as long as the left is false

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