Virtually all the programming languages out there support regular expressions. Regex is built into languages like JavaScript and Pearl, while others like Java and Python have standard libraries for working with it.

In this article, we’ll look at how you can import regular expressions in Python and use it. We’ll also look at some methods Python provides for working with regular expressions.

What We'll Cover

How to Import Regular Expressions in Python

Python provides the re module for using regular expressions. It is a standard module built into Python, so if you have the latest version of Python, you don’t need to install it separately with package managers.

To import the re module in Python, you do it with the import keyword:

import re

How to Use the Python re Module with RegEx

Python provides some methods you can use to work with regular expressions such as match(), search(), findall(), split(), and sub().

To use those methods with RegEx, you have to prepend them with the re module and dot (.) like this:

re.match(pattern, string) # to use the match method
re.findall(pattern, string) # to use the findall method 
re.sub(pattern, string) # to use the sub method, string) # to use the search method 
re.split(pattern, string) # to use the split method

The RegEx examples I’ve provided will use those methods.

RegEx Example Using the match() Method

The match() takes a regular expression and the string and then checks if the string matches the pattern in the regular expression.

Here’s an example:

import re 

my_txt = 'freeCodeCamp'
my_regex_1 = '^freecodecamp$'

res = re.match(my_regex_1, my_txt)
print(res) # returns None

In the example above:

  • I have a my_txt variable set to freeCodeCamp and a my_regex_1 variable set to the pattern ^freecodecamp$. That’s how you write regular expressions in Python — you put them inside quotes.
  • To check if the text matches the pattern, I used the match() method and put in the my_regex_1 and my_txt variables.

The string is freeCodeCamp, and the pattern is ^freecodecamp$, so why did the match method return None? It’s because it doesn’t find a match.

There are some uppercase letters in the my_txt variable, but the pattern is looking for lowercase letters.

If you’re familiar with RegEx in JavaScript or Pearl, you can use the i flag to match all uppercase or lowercase letters in a string.

So, what we need to do to have a match is to use the i flag. But using a flag with regular expressions in Python is different from how we use it in JavaScript.

To use flags with regular expressions in Python, the re module provides the IGNORECASE, ASCII, MULTILINE, VERBOSE, DOTALL, and LOCAL options.

This is how you would use a flag with regular expressions in Python:

re.match(pattern, string, re.ASCII) # to perform only ASCII matching 
re.findall(pattern, string, re.DOTALL) # to match any character – including a new line.
re.sub(pattern, string, re.IGNORECASE) # to perform case insensitive matching, string, re.LOCALE) # to perform case insensitive matching dependent on the current locale, string, re.VERBOSE) # to allow comments in regex
re.split(pattern, string, re.MULTILINE) # to perform multiple line matching. Commonly used with metacharacters (^ and $)

For our example, the flag we can use is the IGNORECASE. Let’s use it so we can get a match:

import re 

my_txt = 'freeCodeCamp'
my_regex_1 = '^freecodecamp$'

res = re.match(my_regex_1, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)
print(res) #Output: <re.Match object; span=(0, 12), match='freeCodeCamp'>

Now we have a match!

RegEx Example Using the search() Method

The search() function takes a regex and a string and then returns the first occurrence in a match object. If it finds no match, it returns None.

import re 

my_txt = 'Every Friday, we have a standup meeting. The only reason why we might not have a meeting on a Friday is public holiday. That Friday, we talk about what we did in the previous week, and what we are going to do in the week starting from that Friday.'

my_regex = 'friday'

res =, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)
print(res) # <re.Match object; span=(6, 12), match='Friday'>

You can see it returns the first occurrence of the text Friday, located between index 6 and 12.

You can get that index with the start() method:

res =, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)
print("The first occurrence is located at index ", res.start()) # The first occurrence is located at index  6

You can get the start and end index of the occurrence like this:

res =, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)
print("The first occurrence is located between index", res.start(), "and index", res.end()) # The first occurrence is located between index 6 and index 12

You can also use match() with an if…else statement:

import re 

my_txt = 'Every Friday, we have a standup meeting. The only reason why we might not have a meeting on a Friday is public holiday. That Friday, we talk about what we did in the previous week, and what we are going to do in the week starting from that Friday.'

my_regex = 'friday'

if, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE):
    print("Found a match!") #Output: Found a match!
    print("Found no match")   
res =, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)

RegEx Example Using the findall() Method

The findall() method takes a regex and a string, and then looks through the string and finds all occurrences that match the regex. It puts all those occurrences inside a list.

Here’s an example:

import re 

my_txt = 'Every Friday, we have a standup meeting. The only reason why we might not have a meeting on a Friday is public holiday. That Friday, we talk about what we did in the previous week, and what we are going to do in the week starting from that Friday.'

my_regex = 'friday'
res = re.findall(my_regex, my_txt, re.IGNORECASE)

print(res) # Output: ['Friday', 'Friday', 'Friday', 'Friday']

Notice the regex I use contains the text friday, which doesn’t match any occurrence of “Friday”. The IGNORECASE flag was what made it match those occurrences.

RegEx Example Using the split() Method

The split() method does what the name implies - it splits a string by the pattern passed into it.

This method could be useful if you want to filter out some words you don’t want in a string.

import re 

my_txt = "Python and JavaScript and C# and Java and Golang and F#"
my_regex = 'and'

res = re.split(my_regex, my_txt)
print(res) # ['Python ', ' JavaScript ', ' C# ', ' Java ', ' Golang ', ' F#']

RegEx Example Using the sub() Method

The sub() works like JavaScript’s replace() method. It replaces the character that matches the regular expression passed into it.

The sub() method is a little different from other methods – it takes up to 5 parameters:

re.sub(pattern, replacement, string, count, flags)

So, if you want to specify a flag but you’re not specifying the count, it won’t work as expected.

Nobody does a standup meeting on Friday, so let’s use the sub method on the string we used for the search() and findall() examples:

import re 

my_txt = 'Every Friday, we have a standup meeting. The only reason why we might not have a meeting on a Friday is public holiday. That Friday, we talk about what we did in the previous week, and what we are going to do in the week starting from that Friday.'

my_regex = 'friday'

res = re.sub(my_regex, "Monday", my_txt, 4, re.IGNORECASE)
print(res) # Output: Every Monday, we have a standup meeting. The only reason why we might not have a meeting on a Monday is public holiday. That Monday, we talk about what we did in the previous week, and what we are going to do in the week starting from that Monday.

There are 4 occurrences of Friday in the my_txt string. That’s why I specified 4 as the count.


In this article, we looked at how to import regular expressions through the re module. But we didn’t stop there, as I also took you through how to use the module with the methods for working with regular expressions in Python.

In addition, we also took a brief look at how to use flags in Python regular expressions.

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