REST APIs can be used to add a lot of functionality to your Android Apps.

We've released a full course on the YouTube channel that will teach you how to create a Java Android app using a REST API.

You will learn how to build an Android app with Java that handles JSON data from a REST API service. The app uses the Volley library to create a weather app using API data.

The course was created by Shad Sluiter. Shad is a professor of computer science at Grand Canyon University. Over the past 20 years he has taught students from grade 6 to senior citizens in many aspects of technology.

This course includes advice on building a RequestQueue, designing a Singleton, and using callbacks for async network communications.

You will also learn to use the Volley library methods JsonArrayRequest and JsonArrayObject to parse a JSON file.

Here are the sections in this course:

  • REST API explained: JSON vs XML
  • Introduction to the Android Weather App
  • Design the Layout
  • Button onClick Listeners
  • Request JSON Data with Volley
  • Singleton Request Queue in Volley
  • Callbacks for Async Requests
  • Fetch One JSONObject from an Array
  • JSONArrayRequest with Volley
  • Fetch JASONArray with Volley
  • Get Forecast by City Name

Watch the full course on the YouTube channel (2.5 hour watch).