Cat in Linux stands for concatenation (to merge things together) and is one of the most useful and versatile Linux commands. While not exactly as cute and cuddly as a real cat, the Linux cat command can be used to support a number of operations utilizing strings, files, and output.

The cat command has three primary purposes involving text files:

  • Create
  • Read/Display
  • Update/Modify

We'll go over each of these in turn to show the commands and options associated with each operation.

Getting Started

To start out, let's create a couple of files called foo.txt and spam.txt.

Let's start by creating foo.txt with the command cat > foo.txt from the Linux command line.

Warning: If there is already a file named foo.txt, the cat command using the > operator WILL overwrite it.

From here the prompt will display a newline that will allow us to input the text we want. For this example we'll use:


To get back to the command line and create the text file we use CTRL + D.

Now let's create spam.txt with cat > spam.txt and put in the following:


If we wanted to append or add more text to these files we would use cat >> FILENAME and input the text we want to use.

Note that the >> operator is used for appending as opposed to the > operator.

Instead of having to open a text editor, we were able to create a quick and simple text file from the command line, saving us time and effort.

The key takeaway from this section is that we use cat > FILENAME to create or overwrite a file. Additionally, we can use cat >> FILENAME to append to a file that's already there. Then after typing in the text we want we use CTRL + D to exit the editor, return to the command line, and create the file.

Reading Rainbow

Now that we've created something let's take a look at what we've made.

Notice how we don't have a > or a >> operator in the following command, only cat and the filename.

The command cat foo.txt will display the following:


So cat foo.txt will let us read the file, but let's see what else we can do.

Say we wanted to figure out how many lines a file we were working on was. For this the -n option comes in handy.

With the command cat -n foo.txt we can see how long our file is:

  1  FILE 1
  2  foo
  3  bar
  4  baz

With -n we can get an idea of how many lines the file we're working with has. This can come in handy when we're iterating over a file of a fixed length.

ConCATenating files

Ok, so we've seen that cat can create and display files, but what about concatenating (combining) them?

For this example we'll use files foo.txt and spam.txt. If we want to get fancy we can take a look at the contents of both files at the same time. We'll use the cat command again, this time using cat foo.txt spam.txt .

cat foo.txt spam.txt results in the following:


Note that the above only DISPLAYS the two files. At this point we haven't concatenated them into a new file yet.

To concatenate the files into a new file we want to use cat foo.txt spam.txt > fooSpam.txt which gives us the result into a new file fooSpam.txt.

Using cat fooSpam.txt outputs the following to the terminal:


This command is also useful for when we want to concatenate more than two files into a new file.

The takeaways here are we can view multiple files with cat FILENAME1 FILENAME 2.

Furthermore we can concatenate multiple files into one file with the command  cat FILENAME1 FILENAME 2 > FILENAME3.

Other Fun Things to do With Cat(s)

Let's say we're working with a file and we keep getting errors for some reason before the end of the file – and it looks like it might have more lines than we expected it to.

To investigate the file a bit further and possibly solve our problem we can use the -A switch. The -A option will show us where lines end with a $, it will show us tab characters with a ^I, and it also displays other non-printing characters.

If we were looking at an example of a non-printable text file with cat nonPrintExample.txt we might get out something like this:



Which is OK but may not tell us a full story of a character or string that might be causing us issues.

Whereas cat -A nonPrintExample.txt might give us more useful output:


Here, we get a clearer representation of what might be going on between tabs, line feeds, returns, and other characters.

The takeaway here is that cat -A FILENAME can tell us more in-depth details about the file that we're working with.

This article should give you a good overview of the cat command, what it can do, and its functionality.