Setting font sizes is something you'll do often as a web developer. But sometimes, especially for beginners, this can get a bit tricky.

In this article, I'll explain why I think you should always use rem over em for setting the font-size of an element.

What are Relative Units in CSS?

For styling a webpage, we use relative units like em and rem instead of absolute measurements like px (pixels).

This is because nowadays, screen sizes come in different sizes and shapes. If we use px, the element's size remains constant regardless of the size of the screen. So using relative units like em and rem are considered good practice. (The :root size is still set in px. We need a reference point. Don't we?)

CSS units are thus classified into two ways: absolute and relative units. Pixels (px),  points (pt), and picas (pc) fall under absolute units. The %, em, rem, vh, and vw are all relative units.

What are em and rem Units?

Talking about em and rem, in print typography em refers to the width of the capital letter 'M' of the current typeface.

In web design, em refers to the size of the current element. If the size of the current/parent element is not set, it usually defaults to the size in the browser CSS. It is usually 16px.

The em is not just for font-size. It is a relative unit that you can use to set the values of properties like font-size, margin, padding, width, height, and line-height of an element.

The rem is the root em. All values are relative to the topmost parent, the html or :root element. If not explicitly set for the html or :root element, it again defaults to the browser CSS: 16px.

You can use rem wherever you can use em.

When is rem a Better Choice than em?

Now let's discuss why you should always use rem, instead of em, for setting the font-size of an element in CSS.

CSS styles cascade. That is why it is called cascading style sheets.  If you inadvertently apply a font-size of 0.5em again, the size reduces to 1/4th of the original.

Note: This happens only if you use relative units. Even if you apply an absolute unit (say 16px) any number of times, for example, on the font-size, it will always remain the same. It would just be duplicate style declarations. The browser effectively ignores it.

Let me show you an example.

This is a simple webpage. Only one  h1,  p, and an a tag nested inside the p tag are inside it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Welcome - Difference between applying em and rem</title>

<h1>The difference between em and rem in the font size of an element</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad beatae alias adipisci placeat fuga maiores nobis aliquam, atque porro explicabo veritatis dolorum tenetur ullam in?

<a href="#">Click me!</a>



For an example, the h1, p, and a tags are all given a font-size value of 0.5em  to be displayed on a smaller screen.

@media all and (max-width:768px){

p {
a {

Now see what happens. This is the mobile view (zoomed to 300%).


The 'Click me!' inside the a tag is 1/4th the size of the original – and it's barely readable.

Immediately after applying 0.5em to the p tag, em is now only 8px.

16px x 0.5  = 8px

Since the a tag is nested inside the p tag, both styles cascade.

8px x 0.5 = 4px

The solution is to use rem for the a tag: 0.5rem.

Please note that h1 and p tags use em here for demonstration purposes.

@media all and (max-width:768px){
font-size: 0.50em;
p { 
a {

Since we used rem, the a tag is relative to the root em – that is, it's set to 16px by default.

16px x 0.5 = 8px


The Click me! a tag is styled more appropriately now.

Always remember that it is a good idea to use rem for setting the font size of an element as you saw here.


In some places, it's better to use em. But when you're setting the font size of an element, rem is the better choice.

Happy Coding!