Time complexity analysis helps us determine how much more time our algorithm needs to solve a bigger problem.

In this article, I will explain what Big O notation means in time complexity analysis. We'll look at three different algorithms for checking if a number is prime, and we'll use Big O notation to analyze the time complexity of these algorithms.

What does Big O Notation Mean?

Big O notation describes how an algorithm's estimated runtime increases when we increase the size of the problem we are solving.

Let's consider some hypothetical algorithms for sorting a list of numbers.

If we have an O(n) algorithm for sorting a list, the amount of time we take increases linearly as we increase the size of our list.

A list that has 10 times as many numbers will take approximately 10 times as long to sort. This means that if sorting 10 numbers takes us 4 seconds, then we would expect sorting a list of 100 numbers to take us approximately 40 seconds.

If we instead have an O(n²) algorithm for sorting a list, then we should expect that the amount of time we take will increase quadratically as we increase the size of our list.

A list that has 10 times as many numbers will take approximately 100 times as long to sort! This means that if sorting 10 numbers takes us 4 seconds, then we would expect sorting a list of 100 numbers to take us approximately 400 seconds.

The fastest algorithms for sorting a list are actually O(n log(n)).
With these algorithms, we can expect that a list with 10 times as many numbers will take approximately 23 times as long to sort.

In other words, if sorting 10 numbers takes us 4 seconds, then we would expect sorting a list of 100 numbers to take us approximately 92 seconds.

Big O Example - Prime Number Checker

Now that we know what Big O notation tells us, let's look at how we use Big O notation in time complexity analysis.

In this section, we will look at three different algorithms for checking if a number is prime. By the definition of a prime number, num is prime if the only numbers that divide evenly into num are 1 and num itself.

Algorithm 1 - Check All Possible Divisors

The simplest algorithm I can think of to check if a number is prime is to check for any divisors other than 1 and num itself.

In the is_prime_all() function below, I try dividing every number between 1 and num into num and check for a remainder.

I wrote this code in Rust so I could use criterion to benchmark the runtime, but time complexity analysis with Big O notation works the same way with every programming language.

If you want to run criterion with this code on your computer, you can find the Rust source code on GitHub.

pub fn is_prime_all(num: i64) -> bool {
    // Check for divisors of num
    for i in 2..num {
        if num % i == 0 {
            // Any divisor other than 1 or num means num is not prime
            return false;
    // No other divisors found means num is prime
    return true;

We have to check num - 2 different numbers with this algorithm before we can say that num is prime, so this algorithm has time complexity of O(num) or O(n).

You probably noticed that we removed the -2 from our Big O notation. When we are calculating the time complexity in Big O notation for an algorithm, we only care about the biggest factor of num in our equation, so all smaller terms are removed.

When I tested my function, it took my computer an average of 5.9 microseconds to verify that 1,789 is prime and an average of 60.0 microseconds to verify that 17,903 is prime.

This means that it takes approximately 10 times longer to check a number that is 10 times larger, which we expected from our time complexity analysis!

Algorithm 2 - Check Half of the Possible Divisors

We can improve our algorithm. If our number, num, is not divisible by 2, then we also know that our number can't be divisible by num/2 or any larger number. This means we can check fewer numbers:

pub fn is_prime_half(num: i64) -> bool {
    // Check for divisors of num
    for i in 2..num / 2 {
        if num % i == 0 {
            // Any divisor other than 1 or num means num is not prime
            return false;
    // No other divisors found means num is prime
    return true;

This code takes half as long to run. On my computer, it only takes 3.1 microseconds to verify that 1,789 is prime. Unfortunately, it takes 31.1 microseconds to verify that 17,903 is prime, which means that the time complexity of our algorithm did not change!

This is because our largest factor of num was the same in the time complexity of our new algorithm. We need to check num/2 - 1 values, which means that our algorithm is still O(n).

Algorithm 3 - Check all Possible Divisor Pairs

Let's try a third algorithm and see if we can get a smaller time complexity.

For this algorithm, we will improve upon our second algorithm. In algorithm 2, we use the fact that if 2 is not a divisor of our number, num, then num/2 can't be a divisor either.

But this is not a special trick we can only do with 2. If 3 is not a divisor of our number, then num/3 also can't be a divisor. If 4 is not a divisor of our number, then num/4 can't be a divisor either.

The biggest number we need to check is √num, because √num * √num = num.

pub fn is_prime_sqrt(num: i64) -> bool {
    // Check for divisors of num
    for i in 2..=(num as f64).sqrt() as i64 {
        if num % i == 0 {
            // Any divisor other than 1 or num means num is not prime
            return false;
    // No other divisors found means num is prime
    return true;

We are only checking √num - 1 different numbers, so this means that our time complexity should be O(√n). When I run this on my computer, I see that it takes only 161.9 nanoseconds to check that 1,789 is prime and 555.0 nanoseconds to check that 17,903 is prime.

This means it took approximately 3.4 times longer to check a number that is 10 times larger, and √10 ≈ 3.2. Our complexity analysis accurately estimates how much longer it takes to check bigger prime numbers with this algorithm.


Time complexity analysis helps us determine how much more time our algorithm needs to solve a bigger problem.

We looked at what Big O notation means in time complexity analysis, and we used Big O notation to analyze the time complexity of three primality checking algorithms.