If you need to add a value to a cell conditionally based on other cells, SQL's case statement is what you'll use.

If you know other languages, the case statement in SQL is similar to an if statement, or a switch statement. It allows you to conditionally specify a value, so that, depending on the condition satisfied, you get a different value in the cell.

This can be really important in Data Analysis, so after introducing the Case Statement we will see a couple of examples of how you can use it to analyse data in a simple way.

SQL Case Statement Syntax

The syntax has a lot of stuff in it, but it is still rather intuitive: the keyword CASE signals the beginning of a case statement, and the keyword END signals its end.

Then for a single condition you can write the keyword WHEN followed by the condition that has to be satisfied. After that comes the keyword THEN and the value for that condition, like WHEN <condition> THEN <stuff>.

This can then be followed by other WHEN/THEN statements.

At the end you can add a value to use by default if none of the conditions are true with the ELSE  keyword, as shown below.

   WHEN condition1 THEN stuff
   WHEN condition2 THEN other stuff
   ELSE default stuff

Let's put this to practice to understand it better.

SQL Case Statement Examples

Let's use the CASE statement in an example. We have a table with a list of students and their scores on an exam. We need to give each student a grade, and we can use the case statement to do it automatically.

id name score
1 Simisola 60
2 Ivan 80
3 Metodija 52
4 Callum 98
5 Leia 84
6 Aparecida 82
7 Ursula 69
8 Ramazan 78
9 Corona 87
10 Alise 57
11 Galadriel 89
12 Merel 99
13 Cherice 55
14 Nithya 81
15 Elşad 71
16 Liisi 90
17 Johanna 90
18 Anfisa 90
19 Ryōsuke 97
20 Sakchai 61
21 Elbert 63
22 Katelyn 51

We can use the CASE statement to give each student a grade, which we will add in a new column named grade.

Let's first write the CASE statement, in which we will write the breakdown for each grade. When score is 94 or higher, the row will have the value of A. If the score is instead 90 or higher it will have the value of A-, and so on.

    WHEN score >= 94 THEN "A"
    WHEN score >= 90 THEN "A-"
    WHEN score >= 87 THEN "B+"
    WHEN score >= 83 THEN "B"
    WHEN score >= 80 THEN "B-"
    WHEN score >= 77 THEN "C+"
    WHEN score >= 73 THEN "C"
    WHEN score >= 70 THEN "C-"
    WHEN score >= 67 THEN "D+"
    WHEN score >= 60 THEN "D"
    ELSE "F"

After we've written the CASE statement, we will add it in a query. Then we'll give to the column the name grade using the AS keyword:

    WHEN score >= 94 THEN "A"
    WHEN score >= 90 THEN "A-"
    WHEN score >= 87 THEN "B+"
    WHEN score >= 83 THEN "B"
    WHEN score >= 80 THEN "B-"
    WHEN score >= 77 THEN "C+"
    WHEN score >= 73 THEN "C"
    WHEN score >= 70 THEN "C-"
    WHEN score >= 67 THEN "D+"
    WHEN score >= 60 THEN "D"
    ELSE "F"
  END AS grade
FROM students_grades;

The table we get from this query looks like the below – and now each student has a grade based on their score.

id name score grade
1 Simisola 60 D
2 Ivan 80 B-
3 Metodija 52 F
4 Callum 98 A
5 Leia 84 B
6 Aparecida 82 B-
7 Ursula 69 D+
8 Ramazan 78 C+
9 Corona 87 B+
10 Alise 57 F
11 Galadriel 89 B+
12 Merel 99 A
13 Cherice 55 F
14 Nithya 81 B-
15 Elşad 71 C-
16 Liisi 90 A-
17 Johanna 90 A-
18 Anfisa 90 A-
19 Ryōsuke 97 A
20 Sakchai 61 D
21 Elbert 63 D
22 Katelyn 51 F

More Complex Case Statement Examples

We can also manipulate the table in different ways depending on what we need using other statements in addition to the case statement.

Case Statement Example 1

For example we can use ORDER BY to sort the rows to have the highest grades on top.

SELECT name,
    WHEN score >= 94 THEN "A"
    WHEN score >= 90 THEN "A-"
    WHEN score >= 87 THEN "B+"
    WHEN score >= 83 THEN "B"
    WHEN score >= 80 THEN "B-"
    WHEN score >= 77 THEN "C+"
    WHEN score >= 73 THEN "C"
    WHEN score >= 70 THEN "C-"
    WHEN score >= 67 THEN "D+"
    WHEN score >= 60 THEN "D"
    ELSE "F"
  END AS grade
FROM students_grades

We order based on score which is a number, instead of the grade column, as the alphabetical order is not the same as the order of the grades based on their value. We use the DESC keyword to render it in descending order, with the highest value at the top.

The table we get looks like the below:

name grade
Merel A
Callum A
Ryōsuke A
Liisi A-
Johanna A-
Anfisa A-
Galadriel B+
Corona B+
Leia B
Aparecida B-
Nithya B-
Ivan B-
Ramazan C+
Elşad C-
Ursula D+
Elbert D
Sakchai D
Simisola D
Alise F
Cherice F
Metodija F
Katelyn F

Case Statement Example 2

Let's do a bit of analysis on these data. We can use GROUP BY and COUNT to count how many students received each grade.

    WHEN score >= 94
      THEN "A"
    WHEN score >= 90 THEN "A-"
    WHEN score >= 87 THEN "B+"
    WHEN score >= 83 THEN "B"
    WHEN score >= 80 THEN "B-"
    WHEN score >= 77 THEN "C+"
    WHEN score >= 73 THEN "C"
    WHEN score >= 70 THEN "C-"
    WHEN score >= 67 THEN "D+"
    WHEN score >= 60 THEN "D"
    ELSE "F"
  END AS grade,
  COUNT(*) AS number_of_students
FROM students_grades
GROUP BY grade

We use ORDER BY to order the grades from highest to lowest, and we use score as it is a numerical value (as ordering by the grade column would use alphabetical order, which is not the same as the order by value of the grades).

grade number_of_students
A 3
A- 3
B+ 2
B 1
B- 3
C+ 1
C- 1
D+ 1
D 3
F 4

Case Statement Example 3

Let's do a bit of different analysis on these data. We can use GROUP BY and COUNT and a different case statement to count how many students passed the exam. Then we can use ORDER BY to have the column in the order we prefer, with the number of students that passed on top.

    WHEN score >= 60
      THEN "passed"
    ELSE "failed"
  END AS result,
  COUNT(*) AS number_of_students
FROM students_grades
GROUP BY result

The table we get looks like the below. The class is not doing too badly, with 18 students of 22 having passing grades – but the other 4 may need some help.

result number_of_students
passed 18
failed 4


The case statement is a powerful tool you can use when you need to get values based on certain conditions.

In this article you have learned how to use it, and you've seen a few examples of how you can use it for Data Analysis.