To copy files or directories in Unix-based operating systems (Linux and MacOS), you use the cp command.

The cp command is a relatively simple command, but its behavior changes slightly depending on the inputs (files vs directories) and the options you pass to it.

To view the documentation or manual for the cp command, run man cp at your terminal:

$ man cp

     cp -- copy files

     cp [OPTIONS] source_file target_file
     cp [OPTIONS] source_file ... target_directory


The basic form of this command takes an input source (or sources) that you want to copy (files or directories) and a destination to copy the files or directories to:

cp [OPTIONS] source_file target_file

How to copy a file to the current directory

To copy a file, pass the file you want to copy and the path of where you want to copy the file to.

If you have a file named a.txt, and you want a copy of that file named b.txt:

$ ls

$ cp a.txt b.txt

$ ls
a.txt   b.txt
If you're not familiar with the ls command, ls "lists" all the contents of a directory.

By default the cp command uses your current directory as the path.

How to copy a file to another directory

To copy a file to a directory that is different from your current directory, you just need to pass the path of the other directory as the destination:

$ ls ../directory-1/

$ cp a.txt ../directory-1/

$ ls ../directory-1/

After the cp  command, the previously empty directory-1 now contains the file a.txt.

By default the copied file receives the name of the original file, but you can also optionally pass a file name as well:

$ cp a.txt ../directory-1/b.txt

$ ls ../directory-1/

How to copy multiple files to a directory

To copy more than one file at a time you can pass multiple input sources and a directory as destination:

$ ls ../directory-1/

$ cp first.txt second.txt ../directory-1/

$ ls ../directory-1/
first.txt       second.txt

Here the two input sources (first.txt and second.txt) were both copied to the directory directory-1.

Note: when passing multiple sources the last argument must be a directory.

How to copy a directory to another directory

If you try to pass a directory as the input source, you get this error:

$ cp directory-1 directory-2
cp: directory-1 is a directory (not copied).

To copy a directory, you need to add the -r (or -R) flag—which is shorthand for --recursive:

$ ls directory-1

$ cp -r directory-1 directory-2

$ ls
directory-1          directory-2

$ ls directory-2

Here directory-1 containing the file a.txt is copied to a new directory called directory-2—which now also contains the file a.txt.

How to copy the entire directory vs the contents of the directory

There is an interesting edge case when you copy a directory: if the destination directory already exists, you can choose whether to copy the contents of the directory or the entire directory by adding or removing a trailing / from your input.

Here's the description from the -R option of the man page:

If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire subtree connected at that point. If the source_file ends in a /, the contents of the directory are copied rather than the directory itself.

If you want to copy just the contents of the directory into another directory, add a trailing / to your input.

If you want to copy the contents of the directory and the directory folder itself into another directory, don't add a trailing /:

$ ls
directory-1          directory-2

$ ls directory-2

$ cp -r directory-1 directory-2

$ ls directory-2

$ ls directory-2/directory-1

Here you can see that because directory-2 already exists—and the input source didn't have a trailing /—both the contents of directory-1 and the directory itself was copied into the destination.

How to prevent overwriting files with cp

By default, the cp command will overwrite existing files:

$ cat a.txt

$ cat directory-1/a.txt

$ cp a.txt directory-1/a.txt

$ cat directory-1/a.txt
If you're not familiar with the cat or "concatenate" command, it prints the contents of a file.

There are two ways to prevent this.

The interactive flag

To be prompted when an overwrite is about to occur, you can add the -i or --interactive flag:

$ cp -i a.txt directory-1/a.txt
overwrite directory-1/a.txt? (y/n [n])

The no-clobber flag

Or, to prevent overwrites without being prompted, you can add the -n or --no-clobber flag:

$ cat a.txt

$ cat directory-1/a.txt

$ cp -n a.txt directory-1/a.txt

$ cat directory-1/a.txt

Here you can see that thanks to the -n flag the contents of directory-1/a.txt were not overwritten.

Other options

There are many other useful options to pass to the cp command: like -v for "verbose" output or -f for "force."

I highly encourage you to read through the man page for all of the other useful options.

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