Microsoft Excel lets you use formulas and functions to perform basic and advanced numerical calculations. You can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mean, worke with strings, and many others.

In Excel, the difference between a formula and a function is that a function is a predefined calculation while a formula is a user-defined calculation.

For example, SUM is a function while =SUM(E1:E9) is a formula using the SUM function.

In this article, I will show you Excel formulas and functions that will make life easier for you any time you’re working with Excel. You will also learn how to use each of the formulae.

Function Description Usage
Excel Formulas for Working with Numbers
SUM For adding numbers in a cell =SUM(D2:D10)
AVERAGE For finding the average of certain numbers in a cell =AVERAGE(E6:E8)
MIN For finding the minimum number within the numbers in cells MIN(C1:C10)
MAX For finding the maximum number within the numbers in cells =MAX(C1:C10)
SUMIF Adds all the numbers in certain cells that meet certain criteria =SUMIF(B7:B9, “>2000”,E2:E6)
ISNUMBER Returns true if a value is a number and false if its not a number ISNUMBER(E7)
ISEVEN Returns true if a number is an even number and false if it is not ISEVEN(D3)
ISODD Returns true if a number is an odd number and false if it is not =ISODD(D10)
ISERROR Returns true if a value is an error and false if it is not =ISERROR(D9)
MEDIAN Returns the number in the middle of certain numbers =MEDIAN(D2:D10)
PI Returns the value of Pi to 15 digits =Pi()
CODE Returns a numeric code for the first character in a string in the character set used by your computer =CODE(free)
RAND Generates a random number between 0 and 1 RAND()
POWER Returns the result of a number raised to a power =POWER(3,9)
ROUND Rounds off a number to the specified number of decimal places =ROUND(D10,3)
ROMAN Converts a number to Roman numerals =ROMAN(2022)
MOD Returns the remainder of a number when divided by another number =MOD(123 ,3)
BASE Converts a number into a text representation with the given base number =BASE(2,32,1)
CEILING Rounds up a number to the nearest integer or the nearest multiple of significance =CEILING(D6, 2)
CELL Returns information about a cell =CELL(D9)
CHAR Returns the character specified by the code number from the character set for your computer =CHAR(D4)
COUNT Counts how many numbers are in the list of certain arguments =COUNT(D2:D10)
DOLLAR Converts a number to currency format to a specified number of decimal places =DOLLAR(4000,4)
COS Returns the cosine of an angle =COS(60)
SIN Returns the sine of an angle =SIN(30)
TAN Returns the tangent of an angle =TAN(45)
Excel Formulas for working with Dates
TIME Converts the hour, minute, and seconds to an Excel serial number in time format =TIME(9,20,40
DATE Returns the number that represents the day in Excel date-time code =DATE(2022,5,12)
DAY Converts a number to a date of the month =DAY(243)
HOUR Returns the number as an hour between 0 and 23 =HOUR(34)
MINUTE Returns the minute, a number between 0 and 59 =MINUTE(59)
SECOND Returns the second, a number between 0 and 59 =SECOND(48)
TODAY Returns the current date formatted as a date =TODAY()
WEEKDAY Returns the weekday, a number between 1 and 7 =WEEKDAY(12,4)
MONTH Returns the month, a number between 1 and 12 =MONTH(9)
YEAR Returns the year, date between 1900 and 9999 =YEAR(12)
Excel Formulas for Working with Text and Strings
Concatenate Combines various texts together =CONCATENATE("free","Code","Camp")
LEN Returns the length of a string =LEN(C1)
LEFT Returns the number of specified strings from the left-hand side of a string =LEFT(C6,5)
RIGHT Returns the number of specified strings from the right-hand side of a string =RIGHT(C6,5)
MID Returns the number in the middle of string from a specified start and position and length =MID(C7,3,5)
REPLACE Replaces parts of a string with another specified string =REPLACE(“Coding”,2,2,”og”)
FIND Returns the starting position of one string with another string =FIND(“od”,”Coding”,1)
ISTEXT Returns true if a value is a string and false if it is not =ISTEXT(D9)
LOWER Converts text to lowercase =LOWER("FREECODECAMP")
UPPER converts text to uppercase =UPPER("freecodecamp")
TRIM Removes all spaces from a text except single spaces between words =TRIM("free code camp")
EXACT Returns true if two texts are equal and false if they are not =EXACT("free","FREE"
PROPER Converts the first letter of a word to a capital letter =PROPER("javascript")
AND Returns true if all arguments are true and false if they are not =AND(12,34)
NOT Changes false to true and true to false =NOT(TRUE)
OR Returns false only if all arguments are false =OR(12,12)


Excel provides various functions that allow you to manipulate your data.

To check out more of these functions, click the Formula tab