When it comes to large organizations, Users and Groups in Linux play an important role in helping keep systems secure and properly functioning.

There can be different levels of users in an organization with different roles and permissions. And you'll need a good understanding Linux permissions to manage and/or understand them.

To protect files and directories in Linux from access by certain types of users, we can use the chown and chgrp commands. These commands let you manage which type of user can read, write, and execute a file.

Before discussing the specifics of these commands, though, you need to understand the basics of how groups and users work in Linux. You'll also need to know how you can manipulate permissions for them.

Let's get into the topic without any further ado.

What are Group and Users in Linux?

A user is a regular entity that can manipulate files, directories, and perform various types of actions in a system. We can create any number of users in Linux.

A group contains zero or more users in it. Users in a group share the same permissions. The group allows you to set permissions on the group level instead of having to set permissions for individual users.

Let's consider a scenario in software development where a machine gets used by various types of people like Administrators, Developers, and Testers.

Each person should have an individual level of access to the files in the system. Accordingly, there will be a common set of permissions for developers, testers and admins, in their respective groups.

Let's say there are 10 developers and 8 testers on your team and you're using 1 shared computer (each of you has a laptop too).

You want to create a file that should be accessible only to the developers. Can you achieve this without using the concept of groups? Yes – it's doable. But, that means you'll have to assign permissions individually to each developer.

The next day, say you get news that your team is expanding to 150 developers and 20 testers due to an immediate client requirement.

Again, you could assign all those additional permissions individually. But, it's not scalable. It's so tedious to manage permissions for each and every developer – so why not do it all together if they share common permissions?

Here comes the usefulness of groups. If we have all 10 (or 150) developers in a group called dev_group, we can simply give permission to the group dev_group.

There are other use cases aside from permissions for groups, but we won't get into that here.

What are Primary and Secondary Groups in Linux?

As the name implies, a primary group is a group that a user belongs to by default.

For example, let's assume your username is arun, and you create a group called admin. Then you will belong to the group admin by default.

A secondary group is a group to which you can add any number of users.

How to Create a User

You can create a user by using the useradd command. Each user in a Linux system has a unique user id.

useradd [OPTIONS] <user_name>
Terminal command syntax to add a user

Let's create a new user named developer:

useradd developer
Terminal command to create a user called developer

How to Create a Group

Groups are created by using the groupadd command. Similar to users, each group in a Linux system has a unique group id.

groupadd [OPTIONS] <group_name>
Terminal command syntax to add a group

Let's create a new group named developers_group:

groupadd developers_group
Terminal command to create a user called developer_group

How to Add a User to a Group

So, we created a user and a group. Let's add the user (developer) to the group (developers_group). The command to add a user to a group is usermod -aG.

sudo usermod -aG <group_name> <user_name>
Terminal command syntax to add a user to a group

Here's the actual command to add the user developer to developers_group group:

sudo usermod -aG developers_group developer
Terminal command to add user developer to group developers_group

How to List Out Groups

You might wonder how you can verify if the created group exists, and how to verify if the user has been added to the group. The list of groups and the users who have permissions in the group are stored in a file called group. It will be located under the /etc directory.

We can see the available groups by reading that file using the cat command like this:

cat /etc/group
Terminal command to list the groups
Beginning of group file
End of group file

This will be huge file. By default it has 70 to 100 lines. So, I've cropped the top and bottom part of the command's output in the above screenshots.

The last 2 lines of the above screenshot describe that there's a new user called developer, a new group called developers_group, and the user developer has been added to the developers_group group.

How to Find the Current Owner and Group Ownership of a File

There's a powerful – and likely familiar – command in Linux which shows the permissions involved in a file/directory. This is the ls -l command:

ls -l test.sh
Terminal command to view ownership of a file
Ownership of test.sh file

Let's go over the output separated by spaces and understand each part of it:

  • -rw-rw-r-- 1 – Permission for file test.sh
  • 1st occurrence of gogosoon – Owner of the file
  • 2nd occurrence of gogosoon – Group ownership of the file

How to Change the Owner of a File or Directory

You can use the chown command to change the ownership of a file. The chown command is abbreviated from "change owner".  

From our previous example, we have seen the file test.sh owned by the user named gogosoon.  

chown <user_name> <file_name>
Terminal command syntax to change ownership of a file/directory

Let's change the ownership of the file to the user admin using the chown command. We can do that like this:

sudo chown admin test.sh
Terminal command to set admin as the owner of test.sh file
Change the ownership of the file test.sh using chown command

From the above screenshot, you can clearly see that the owner of the file test.sh has been changed from gogosoon to admin.

How to Copy Ownership from One File to Another

I have faced this scenario once in my career. We use a common system in some rare use cases. Here's what was going on:

One day I was working on that system to complete a POC which required me to create hundreds of files with a different user ownership. A file was created with default permissions (owned by me) whenever it was created.

But I want the file to be owned by another user. I was too lazy to change the ownership for each file manually. If I changed the ownership for one file, I wanted to be able to copy the same ownership for other files. I was sure that there must be some command that allowed me to do this.

So I did a quick Google search about how to copy ownership from one file to another. After few seconds, I found the solution and it was so simple. You can do this by adding a --reference flag.

chown --reference=<source_file_name> <destination_file_name>
Terminal command syntax to copy the ownership of one file to another

Let's explore this with an example:

Let's create a new file named copy.sh with my user account gogosoon.

The owner of the test.sh file is the admin user (from our previous example). I want the ownership of test.sh file to be copied to the newly created copy.sh file which is owned by the gogosoon user.

sudo chown --reference=test.sh copy.sh
Terminal command to copy ownership of test.sh file to copy.sh file
Ownership of test.sh file copied to copy.sh file

From the above screenshot, you can see that the first command describes the ownership of the test.sh file, which is owned by the admin user.

The second command describes the ownership of the copy.sh file which is owned by the gogosoon user.

The third command copies the ownership of the test.sh to the copy.sh file.

The last command again describes the ownership of the copy.sh file which is now owned by admin user.

You may wonder that at the beginning I told that I created hundreds of files – but how did I change the ownership of all the files at once?

That's a different story. But here's a quick answer: I wrote a script that looped over all the files and changed the ownership by referencing a single master file.

How to Change Ownership of Multiple Files with a Single Command

You can do this by passing multiple file names to the chown command with one user name. This sets the ownership of all the given files to that particular user.

sudo chown <user_name> file1 file2 ...
Terminal command syntax to change ownership of multiple files with a single command

Here's an example where I want to set the ownership of the files copy.sh and test.sh to the admin user:

sudo chown admin copy.sh test.sh
Set ownership of copy.sh and test.sh files to admin user
Set ownership of copy.sh and test.sh files to admin user

How to Change the Group Ownership of a File

Almost all the operations related to groups can be achieved with chgrp command (an abbreviation of "change group"). It's pretty similar to the chown command.

Syntax of the chgrp command:

sudo chgrp <group_name> <file/dir_name>
Terminal command syntax to change group ownership of a file/directory

I have already created a group called admin . I do not belong to this group. Let's change the group ownership of the test.sh file from gogosoon to the admin group.

sudo chgrp admin test.sh
Change group ownership of test.sh file to admin
Change group ownership of test.sh file to admin

From the above screenshot, you can see that I changed group ownership of the test.sh file from gogosoon to admin. Since I do not belong to this group, I will not have write access to the file.

Let's verify the same by opening the file in write mode using nano test.sh:

You can see that I do not have write permission for this file

How to Change the Group Ownership of a Directory

The same syntax for files is applicable to directories also. Here's a quick example:

sudo chgrp test group_test/
Change group ownership of group_test directory to test group
Change group ownership of group_test directory to test group

But remember that the above command changes the group ownership of only the files in that directory. To recursively change the group permissions of all the directories inside that directory, we have to add the -R flag to it like this:

sudo chgrp -R admin group_test/
Change group ownership of group_test directory to test group recursively

Now the group ownership for all the files and directories inside group_test have been changed from gogosoon to admin.

Let's verify the output by trying to write a file from the directory group_test as the gogosoon user:

Trying to edit the files hello1.sh and hello3.sh
Error showing hello1.sh file not writable
Error showing hello3.sh file not writable

Hurray! The ownership has been applied appropriately.


In this article, you have learned about handling user and group ownership of files and folders. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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