We're excited to announce the launch of a new course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that will give you an in-depth understanding of how to build a custom API using Next.js and MongoDB.

This course was created by Hitesh Choudhary. He is an an expert in the field and has extensive experience in developing, teaching, and sharing his knowledge in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner.

About the Course

This course will provide a comprehensive guide on building an authentication system that can register the user, login, create a secure cookie with a JWT Token, use email service, verify the user's email, forget password, middleware route protection, and much more. It's a project-based course where you learn by doing, and by the end of it, you'll have a fully functioning authentication system built from scratch.

The course further explores how to integrate Appwrite, a secure end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, and Flutter developers that makes it easy to build web and mobile applications, into your Next.js application.

Deployment is a crucial part of any application's lifecycle, and Hitesh makes sure not to skip that part. You will learn about deploying your Next.js application to Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites and Serverless Functions that fits perfectly with your workflow. It enables developers to host Jamstack websites and web services that deploy instantly.

What Will You Learn

The course is neatly divided into multiple sections to make it easier for learners to grasp complex topics. Here's what you will learn:

Start, basics and Prerequisites: Before diving into the actual project, Hitesh covers the basics and the prerequisites required for the course. This is particularly helpful for beginners or for those who need a quick refresher.

Project Structure, Diagrams, and Tech Stack: Hitesh walks you through the entire project structure, providing diagrams for a better understanding, and explains the tech stack that will be used throughout the project.

Signup and Login: In this section, you'll start getting your hands dirty by implementing the Signup and Login functionality for your application.

Middleware in Nextjs: Middleware is an important concept in Next.js, and you'll learn how to use it for route protection and much more.

User Verification with Email: User verification is an essential part of any authentication system. Hitesh shows you how to implement it using an email service.

Nextjs Deployment with Database Connectivity: You will learn how to deploy your Next.js application while maintaining the database connectivity.

Nextjs Meets Appwrite: Introduction to Appwrite, its features, and how it can be integrated with your Next.js application.

How to Integrate Appwrite to Nextjs: A step-by-step guide to integrate Appwrite into your Next.js application.

Nextjs Component to Talk to Appwrite: Creating a Next.js component that can communicate with Appwrite.

Appwrite Nextjs and Context API: Learn about using Context API in Next.js and how it can be used with Appwrite.

What’s Next After This: Once you've built your application, Hitesh guides you on the next steps you can take to further improve your skills and the application you just built.

Who is this Course for?

This course is designed for anyone who is passionate about web development, looking to expand their knowledge, and add a new skill to their toolkit. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will offer you valuable insights and practical experience.

Final Thoughts

We at freeCodeCamp.org are committed to providing free, quality education to everyone. We believe that this new course on our YouTube channel fits perfectly within that commitment. It’s time to set your learning goals, and join us on this journey into the exciting world of Next.js, MongoDB, and Appwrite.

Watch the course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (6-hour watch).