A utility library is a library that helps you streamline the implementation of common coding tasks. With it, you only need to focus on writing code that makes your project unique.

One of the most popular JavaScript utility libraries is Lodash. Lodash is a JS library with over 40 million weekly downloads on npm. It helps provide additional functionalities to preexisting vanilla JS objects. Lodash uses a functional programming approach in implementing common tasks in JavaScript.

Although this library is great, using it in smaller projects might be overkill, especially if you only need 3 or 4 functionalities. With a package size of over 1.4MB comprising over 1000 files and 500 functions, having Lodash on your front-end can hinder the performance of your website.

In this article, I'll be showing you how to implement some of the key functionalities provided by Lodash. At the end of this tutorial, you’ll not only know how to implement the functionality of a popular library but you’ll also see an improvement in your JavaScript skills.


For this article, all you need is a code editor, a web browser, and a basic knowledge of JavaScript.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Setup
  2. How to Create Array Methods
    1. The _.chunk() method
    2. The _.compact() method
    3. The _.concat() method
    4. The _.drop() method
    5. The _.dropRight() method
    6. The _.fill() method
    7. The _.flatten() method
    8. The _.intersection() method
    9. The _.remove() method
    10. The _.union() method
  3. How to Create Collection Methods
    1. The _.filter() method
    2. The _.find() method
    3. The _.partition() method
    4. The _.shuffle() method
  4. How to Create Math Methods
    1. The _.mean() method
    2. The _.max() method
    3. The _.min() method
    4. The _.sum() method
  5. How to Create Object Methods
    1. The _.keys() method
    2. The _.values() method
  6. How to Create String Methods
    1. The _.repeat() method
    2. The _.split() method
  7. Conclusion

Project Setup

The first thing to do is to create a folder called lodash-project that contains an HTML file and a JavaScript file.

The JavaScript file will contain the code, while our HTML file will be used to link the files together.

You can give them any valid name you like but I’ll be sticking with index.html and index.js.

Within the HTML file, you’ll add the script element to link with your index.js file.

Here’s the code for index.html:

             <title>Lodash project</title>
             <script src='index.js'></script>

Within the JavaScript file (index.js), we'll be using a JavaScript class (_) and static methods (whose name will be the Lodash methods we'll be implementing) for structuring our code.

Here's the format it should be in:

class _ {
    static name_of_method(){

From this point onward, I’ll be showing you how to implement 10 Lodash array methods, four collection methods, four math methods, two object methods, and two string methods. Are you ready? Let’s go!

How to Create Array Methods

The _.chunk() method

First, we'll see how to implement the _.chunk() method. In Lodash, the chunk method helps you divide the content of your array into groups.

This method is useful when you want to display a long list of items in a paginated user interface.

By applying the chunk() method, you can divide the array into smaller arrays, each containing a fixed number of items. This allows you to efficiently manage the display of items page by page, enhancing the user experience and minimizing load time.

It can also be used for dealing with data that needs to be processed in parallel or batched operations.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

//divides the array into a group of 2
_.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2);
//returns [ ['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'] ]
//divides the array into a group of 3 and shifts the rest into another
_.chunk(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 3);
//returns [ ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d'] ]

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class {
     //... other methods
      static chunk(array, size=1){
             let newArray = [];  
             for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i += size){ 
                    let chunk = array.slice(i, i + size);
             return newArray;                        

In the code above, the first step is creating a static chunk() method with an array and size parameter. The size parameter gets a default value of 1.

Next, we create an empty array (newArray) that’ll store the split chunks. Then we’ll use loops and the array.slice() method to slice out chunks from the original array and push it to the new array (newArray).

The _.compact() method

Now let's look at the _.compact() method. In Lodash, the compact() method returns an array with all falsy elements removed. Examples of falsy values are undefined, null, '', false, 0, and so on.

This method is useful when you want to clean up an array and focus on meaningful and non-empty values.

You can also use it for cleaning arrays that have incomplete data or irrelevant information.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let surveyReport = ['yes', 'no', 'not sure', null, 'no', ''];

//removes the falsy elements
//returns ['yes', 'no', 'not sure', 'no']

Here’s how you to implement it yourself:

class _ {
      //... other codes
      static compact(array){
             let newArray = array.filter( val => {return Boolean(val) === true})
             return newArray;

From the code above, we created a static compact() method with an array parameter. Then we used the array.filter() method and the Boolean() function to filter out values that are truthy, not falsy.

The _.concat() method

In Lodash, the concat() method is used for concatenating two or more arrays or values. This is particularly useful when you're dealing with data from different sources and want to present them in a comprehensive view.

Imagine a scenario where you have multiple arrays containing related information, such as customer names, addresses, and order details. The concat() method allows you to effortlessly combine these arrays, creating a unified dataset that can be easily processed or displayed.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let array = [1, 2];
let other = _.concat(array, 4, [1], [ [12, true] ] );
//returns [ 1, 2, 4, 1, [12, true] ]

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
      //...other methods
      static concat(array, ...values){
             for(let i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
                    array = array.concat( values[i] ) 
             return array;

In the code above, I created a static concat() method with an array and values parameter. The parameter will be treated as an array representing the separate arrays/values we’ll be concatenating.

Next, we used the for loop and the array.concat() method to concatenate every element in the values parameter to our array parameter.

The _.drop() method

The drop() method returns an array with some of its elements dropped from the beginning.

The drop() method plays a crucial role in implementing stack-like behavior with arrays. You can use this method to ensure that only the most recent tasks are prioritized.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

//drops the first element and returns the rest
//=> [2,3]
//drops the first 2 elements and returns the rest
_.drop([1,2,3,4], 2)
//=> [3,4]
//drops the first 3 elements and returns the rest
_.drop([2,4,6], 3)
//=> []

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //other methods
    static drop(array, n=1){
           return array.slice(n, array.length) 

In the code above, we created a static drop() method with an array and n parameter. array represents the array whose elements will be dropped while n represents the number of elements to be dropped from the beginning.

Then we used an array.slice() method to return an array starting from position n to the last element.

The _.dropRight() method

The dropRight() method returns an array with some of its elements dropped from the end.

The drop() method plays a crucial role in implementing queue-like behavior with arrays. You can use this method to ensure that only the oldest tasks are prioritized.

According to Lodash, this is how it works:

//drops the last element and returns the rest
//drops the last 2 elements and returns the rest
_.dropRight([1,2,3,4], 2)
//[2, 3]

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //other methods ...
     static dropRight(array, n=1){
           return array.slice(0, -n)

From the code above, we created a static dropRight() method with an array and n parameter. array represents the array whose elements will be dropped while n represents the number of elements to be dropped from the end.

Next, we use the array.slice() method to return an array starting from position 0 to (but not including) –n.

The _.fill() method

The fill() method fills an array with a specific value.

Imagine you have an array representing a game board where certain cells need to be marked as occupied. By using the fill() method, you can efficiently replace a range of cells with a marker value, indicating their status.

According to Lodash, this is how it works:

let board = Array(9);
//replaces or fills all the elements in the array with '0'
_.fill(array, 0);
//returns [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let array = [1,3,5,7];
//replaces or fills the array with 'hello' from index 0 to(but not including) index 3
_.fill(array, 'hello', 0, 3)

//returns ['hello', 'hello', 'hello', 7];

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //other methods ...
     static fill(array, value, start=0, end=array.length){ 
           for(let i = start; i < end; i++){ 
                 array[i] = value 
           return array;    

In the code above, we created a static fill() method with an array, value, start, and end parameter.

array represents the array whose element will be filled. value is the value that’ll fill/replace the elements in the array. start is the position to start filling from. It has a default value of 0. end represents the position that the filling will end at. Its default value is array.length.

Within the method, we created a loop that changes the value of each element to value.

The _.flatten() method

The flatten() method flattens an array one level deep.

Imagine you have an array containing sub-arrays representing different categories of items. By applying the flatten() method, you can seamlessly merge these sub-arrays into a single array, simplifying the process of iterating, searching, or performing operations on the combined dataset.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

_.flatten([['James'], [17], ['Male']]);
//-> ['James', 17, 'Male']

Here’s how to implement it:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static flatten(array){
           return [].concat(...array);

In the code above, we created a static flatten() method with an array argument. Then we used the spread operator and array.concat() to concatenate an empty array with the expanded iterable.

The _.intersection() method

The intersection() method returns an array that contains values that are present in all given arrays.

Imagine you have multiple arrays containing user preferences for different features of your application. By using the intersection() method, you can easily determine which preferences are common across all users, helping you identify the most popular or preferred features.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let preference1 = ['Post', 'View', 'Comment'];
let preference2 = ['Like', 'Comment', 'Share'];

_.intersection(preference1, preference2)
returns ['Comment']

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
     //...other methods
     static intersection(...arrays){ 
           if (arrays.length === 0){
                 return []
           let intersection = arrays.reduce((prev, current) => {
                 return prev.filter((element) => current.includes(element) );
           return [...new Set(intersection)]; //remove duplicates

From the code above, we created a static intersection() method with an arrays parameter that has a spread operator. Within the function, we'll return an empty array if the method is called without any parameter.

Next, we use the reduce() method to recursively iterate over the arrays and filter the common elements at each step, until it finds the intersection of all arrays.

Then we return the final result as an array after removing the duplicates with a Set constructor function.

The _.remove() function

The remove() function removes some elements that satisfy a condition and returns the result. It also permanently removes those elements from the original array.

For example, if you have an array of numbers and you want to remove all occurrences of a certain value, you can use remove() to achieve this efficiently.

According to the Lodash documentation, here’s how it works:

let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];

let odd = _.remove(array, function(){
     return n%2 !== 0

//returns the remaining => [2,4,6]

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
     //... other methods
     static remove(array, predicate){
           let truthy = array.filter(predicate);
           for(let i of truthy){
                 let n = array.indexOf(i)
                 array.splice(n, 1); 
           return truthy;

From the code above, we created a static remove() method that contains two parameters: array and predicate. array refers to the array whose elements will be removed while predicate is a function that'll specify the conditions the elements must pass to be removed.

Next, we use the array.filter() method to filter out elements that pass the conditions. Then we used loops and array.splice() to remove the passed element from the original array. Finally, we return the truthy array.

The _.union() method

The union() method returns an array of unique values from one or more arrays.

Imagine you have several arrays representing different categories of items, and you want to combine them into a single array without repeating any items. By using the union() method, you can easily merge these arrays, ensuring that each value appears only once in the resulting array.

This is valuable when dealing with data from various sources that might contain overlapping information.

According to Lodash, here is how it works:

let basket1 = ['Egg', 'Shoe', 'Milk'];
let basket2 = ['Shoe, 'Milk', 'Honey'];

let allBasket = _.union(basket1, basket2)
//['Egg', 'Shoe', 'Milk', 'Honey']

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
   //other methods ...
   static union(...arrays){
         let total = []
         for(let i of arrays){
         return new Set(total);

In the code above, we created a static union() method with an arrays parameter that has a spread operator. We created a variable storing an empty array and used the for-of loop to push elements in the arrays parameter to total.

Next, we insert the total variable into a Set function to remove duplicate and return it.

How to Create Collection Methods

The _.filter() method

In Lodash, the filter() method returns an array of elements that satisfies a condition. Unlike remove(), it doesn’t modify the original array.

Its applications range from data filtering to creating custom subsets.

For example, if you have an array of objects representing users, and you want to retrieve all users who are active. By using the filter() method, you can efficiently create a new array containing only the active users.

Another example is using this method for data transformation scenarios. If you have an array of numeric values and you want to extract only the even numbers, you can easily achieve this by applying the filter() method with a custom filtering function.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let users = [
    {name: 'Zoe', age: 24, active: false},
    {name: 'Aisha', age: 20, active: true},
    {name: 'Alex', age: 19, active: true}
filter(users, function(element){ return element.active > true})

//returns => [
    {name: 'Aisha', age: 20, active: true},
    {name: 'Alex', age: 19, active: true}

Here’s how to implement it on your own:

class _ {
     //... other methods
     static filter(collection, predicate){
           return collection.filter(predicate);

From the code above, we created a static filter() method with an array and predicate parameter. array is the array whose elements will be filtered and predicate is the function that contains the conditions each element must pass to be filtered out.

Then we use the array.filter() method to filter the array and return the result.

The _.find() method

The find() method returns the first element in an array that satisfies a particular condition.

Its applications range from targeted searches to efficient data retrieval.

For example, say you have an array of objects representing products in an online store, and you want to find the first product that is currently on sale. By using the find() method, you can quickly locate the desired product object that matches the sale condition.

The find() method also plays a crucial role in scenarios where you need to search for a specific item within a collection, such as finding a particular user by their username or locating a book by its title.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let products = [
     {name: 'Rice', qty: 20},
     {name: 'Egg', qty: 24},
     {name: 'Milk', qty: 19},
     {name: 'Wheat', qty: 20}

//finds the first product whose quantity is greater than 20
_.find(products, function(product){ return product.qty > 20})
//returns {name: 'Egg', qty: 24}

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static find(collection, predicate, fromIndex=0){
           let ans = collection.slice(fromIndex, collection.length)
           return ans.find(predicate);

In the code above, we created a static find() method with 3 parameters: collection, predicate, fromIndex.

collection is the array we’ll be searching from. predicate is a function containing the condition that the element must pass to be returned. fromIndex specifies the index to begin the search from.

First, we used the array.slice() method to slice the array from a start position specified by fromIndex parameter to the end of the collection. Next, we use the array.find() method on the sliced array and return the result.

The _.partition() method

The partition() method creates an array comprised of two elements. The first is an array of elements that satisfies a certain condition while the second is an array of elements that doesn’t satisfy the condition.

Its applications range from data segregation to creating distinct subsets.

Imagine you have an array of numbers, and you want to separate the even numbers from the odd numbers. By using the partition() method, you can easily create two arrays: one containing all the even numbers and another containing all the odd numbers. This makes it convenient to perform separate operations or analyses on each subset.

Also, the partition() method is beneficial when dealing with filtering and categorization scenarios. If you have a collection of objects representing products and you want to categorize them into two groups – those that are on sale and those that are not – the partition() method provides an elegant solution.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let products = [
    {name: 'Milk', sold: true},
    {name: 'Cream', sold: false},
    {name: 'Bicycle', sold: true},
    {name: 'Socks', sold: false}

_.partition(products, function(e){ return e.sold === true})
returns [
   {name: 'Milk', sold: true},
   {name: 'Bicycle', sold: true}
    {name: 'Cream', sold: false},
    {name: 'Socks', sold: false}

Here’s how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //... other methods
    static partition(collection, predicate){
        let truthy = array.filter(predicate);
        let falsy = collection;
        for(let i of truthy){
            let n = falsy.indexOf(i)
            falsy.splice(n, 1); 
        return [truthy, falsy];

In the code above, we created a static partition() method with a collection and predicate parameter. collection is the array that’ll be used while predicate is the function that contains the conditions the elements must pass to be partitioned to the first element.

First, we created two variables: truthy and falsy. truthy is an array containing the elements that passed the condition while falsy stores the collection.

Next, we used a for-of loop and the splice() method to remove the elements in the falsy array from truthy. And finally, we returned an array containing both truthy and falsy arrays.

The _.shuffle() method

The shuffle() method returns an a shuffled array using the Fisher-Yates shuffle.

Its applications range from enhancing user engagement to introducing randomness into various scenarios

Imagine you have an array of questions for a quiz app, and you want to present the questions in a different order each time a user takes the quiz. By using the shuffle() method, you can easily create a new array with the questions in a randomized order, providing a fresh experience for users in each quiz session.

According to Lodash, this is how it works:

let quizQuestions = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];

//shuffled version eg [2,3,8,5,1,7,4,6]

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static shuffle(collection){
           function sh(array=collection, shuffled=[], length=collection.length){
                 if(length === 0){
                      return shuffled;
                 let rand = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( length - 1) );
                 shuffled.push( array[rand] )
                length -= 1;
                       array.splice(rand, 1);
                 return sh(array, shuffled, length);
           return sh() 

In the code above, we created a static shuffle() method with a collection parameter that represents the array to shuffle. Within it is another function sh() that uses recursion to shuffle the array.

How to Create Math Methods

The _.mean() method

In Lodash, the mean() method calculates the average value of the elements in an array.

This method can be used for performing data analysis.

Imagine you have an array of test scores, and you want to find out the average score of the students. By using the mean() method, you can effortlessly calculate the average test score, which gives you a sense of the overall performance of the group.

Furthermore, the mean() method plays a crucial role in data analysis and statistics.

Whether you're working with financial data, scientific measurements, or any other numerical data, calculating the mean helps you understand the typical value and make informed decisions based on the data's central tendency.

According to the Lodash documentation, this is how it works:

let mathScore = [60, 70, 50, 80];

returns 65

Here's how to implement it yourself:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static mean(array){
           let sum = array.reduce( (accumulator, current) => {
                 return accumulator + current
           }, 0);
           return sum/array.length;

In the code above, we created a static mean() method with an array parameter that represents the array whose elements we'll use to calculate the mean.

Next, we use the array.reduce() method to find the sum of all the values.

Finally, we divide the result by the length of the array and return it.

The _.max() method

The max() method returns the maximum value in an array.

Its applications range from identifying the highest values to detecting outliers.

The max() method is crucial in scenarios where you need to identify extreme values in a dataset.

Whether you're analyzing temperature readings, stock prices, or any other numeric data, finding the maximum value can help you understand the range and potential outliers within the data.

According to the Lodash docs, here's how it works:

let topStockPrices = [545, 230, 123, 1004, 890,890];


Here's how to implement it:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static max(array){
           return Math.max(...array)

In the code above, we created a static mean() method with an array parameter that represents the array whose elements will be used to calculate the max value.

Next, we use the spread operator and Math.max() function to calculate the maximum value.

The _.min() method

The _.min() method returns the minimum value in an array.

The min() method is crucial in scenarios where you need to identify the smallest value in a dataset.

Whether you're analyzing prices, durations, or any other numeric data, finding the minimum value can help you understand the range and potential outliers within the data.

According to the Lodash docs, here's how it works:

let productPrice = [200, 150, 500, 230, 99];

//returns 99

Here's how to implement it:

class _ {
    //...other methods
     static max(array){
           return Math.min(...array)

In the code above, we created a static min() method with an array parameter that represents the array whose elements will be used to calculate the min.

Next, we use the spread operator and Math.min() function to calculate the minimum value.

The _.sum() method

The sum() method calculates the sum of all the elements in an array.

This method can be used for calculating aggregate values.

For example, the sum() method is crucial in scenarios where you need to determine the aggregate value of a dataset.

Whether you're working with financial transactions, quantities, or any other numeric data, calculating the sum helps you understand the overall magnitude of the data.

According to the Lodash docs, here’s how it works:

let sales = [20000, 34000, 21000, 15000];

//returns -> 90000

Here’s how to implement it:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static sum(array){
           let total = array.reduce( (accumulator, current) => {
                 return accumulator + current
           }, 0);
           return total;

In the code above, we created a static sum() method with an array parameter. Next, we used the array.reduce() method to add up all the array element's values.

How to Create Object Methods

The _.keys() method

In Lodash, the keys() method returns an array containing the properties of an object.

Imagine you have an object representing a user profile with properties like name, email, and age. By using the keys() method, you can easily extract the property names and work with them.

According to the Lodash docs, here’s how it works:

returns all the properties of th object
_.keys({name: 'john', age: 7})
//['name', 'age']

Here's how to implement it:

Class _{
     static keys(object){
           return Object.keys(object)

In the code above, we created a static keys() method with an object parameter that represents the object whose properties would be extracted.

Then we use the Object.keys() method to extract the properties and return the result.

The _.values() method

The values() method returns an array containing the values of an object's properties.

Imagine you have an object representing a user profile with properties like name, email, and age. By using the values() method, you can easily extract the property values and work with them.

According to the Lodash docs, here's how it works:

//returns the object values
_.values({name: 'john', age: 7})
//['john', 7]

Here's how to implement it:

class _{
     static values(){
           return Object.values(object)

In the code above, we created a values() method with an object parameter that represents the object whose property values would be extracted. Then we use the Object.values() method to extract the values and returned the result.

How to Create String Methods

The _.repeat() method

In Lodash, the repeat() method returns a string that has been duplicated a specific number of times.

Its applications range from creating patterns to formatting output, making it a handy tool for various string manipulation tasks.

For instance, if you want to create a separator line of hyphens in a console output, you can use the repeat() method to generate the necessary number of hyphens.

According to Lodash, here is how it works:

//repeats the string '-' 10 times

_.repeat('-', 10)
console.log('hello world')
_.repeat('-', 10)

//'hello world'

Here's how to implement it:

class _ { 
    //... other methods
     static repeat(string='', n=1){
           let repeated ='';
           for(let i = 0; i < n; i++){
                 repeated += string;
           return repeated;

In the code above, we created a static repeat() method with a string and n parameter. string refers to the string that’ll be duplicated while n specifies the number of times it’ll be repeated.

Next, we created a repeated variable that stores an empty string. ANd finally, we used the for loop to concatenate the string n times.

The _.split() method

The split() method splits a string by a separator and stores the parts in an array.

Its applications range from text processing to data extraction.

The split() method can be beneficial in scenarios where you're dealing with data in a specific format.

For example, if you have a list of values in a string separated by plus sign(+), you can use the split() method to extract each value and store them in an array.

According to the Lodash docs, here’s how it works:

//Splits all the characters
_.split('hello', '')
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
//Split using _ as separator 
_.split('h_e_l_l_o', '_')
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
Splits the string using + as a separator and limits the elements to 2
_.split'`how+to+cook+rice', '+', 2)
['how', 'to']

Here's how to implement it:

class _ {
    //... other methods
     static split(string='', separator, limit){
           let spl = string.split(separator);
           let limited = [];
           if (limit === undefined){
                 return spl;
           } else {
                 for(let i=0; i<limit; i++){
                 return limited

In the code above, we created a split() method with a string, separator, and limit parameter.

string is the string whose characters will be split. separator will be used as the string separator and limit sets a limit for the split characters to be returned.

Next, we used the string.split() method to split string with separator. Then we returned the split string if no limit was specified. If the limit was specified, we used the for loop to push the selected elements to a limited variable and returned its result.


Phew – that was a lot. If you made it this far, let me congratulate you on time well spent.

Throughout the article, you learned how to implement some functionalities of the Lodash library.

Now you can challenge yourself to complete the library by implementing the remaining methods and functions, or add more functionalities to it.

I hope this helps. Unrelated, but if you need a skilled technical writer don’t forget to contact me through Twitter(@GidtheCoder) or email(akinsanmi20700@gmail.com). Bye for now.