Hello everyone! Welcome to this tutorial where we're going to dive into the world of creating fun bubbles in code using HTML canvas and JavaScript. The best part? We'll achieve all of this using just a touch of HTML and all JavaScript, no CSS.

What we will learn

In this article, you're going to master the following concepts:

  • How to create circles using the arc method of the canvas context.
  • How to utilize the requestAnimationFrame function for smooth circle animations.
  • How to harness the power of JavaScript classes to create multiple circles without repeating code.
  • How to add stroke styles and fill styles to your circles for a 3D bubble effect.

You can follow along with me, or use the final codepen if you want to take a look at the source code.

If you prefer to learn in a video format, follow along this video:

Getting Started

First things first, we need an HTML5 Canvas element. Canvas is a powerful element for creating shapes, images and graphics. This is what we'll use for creating the bubbles.

Let’s set it up:

<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

In order to do anything meaningful with canvas, we need to have access to it’s context. Context provides an interface to render objects on the canvas and draw shapes.

Here's how to get access to canvas and it's context.

const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');

We'll also set up our canvas to use the entire window height and width:

canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

Next, we'll give it canvas a nice soothing light blue background by adding some css. This is the only CSS we're going to use. You can also do this with JavaScript if you wish.

#canvas {
  background: #00b4ff;

How to Create Bubbles with Canvas

Let’s get to the fun part. We're going to create bubbles by clicking on the canvas. To achieve this, we'll start by creating a click event handler:

canvas.addEventListener('click', handleDrawCircle);

Since we need to know where we clicked on our canvas, we are going to keep track of it in our handleDrawCircle function and use the event’s coordinates:

//We are adding x and y here because we will need it later.
let x, y
const handleDrawCircle = (event) => {
  x = event.pageX;
  y = event.pageY;

  // Draw a bubble!
  drawCircle(x, y);

How to Draw Circles Using the arc Method

To create circles, we're going to utilize the arc method available on canvas’s context. The arc method accepts x and y (the center of the circle), a radius, and a start angle and end angle which for us will be 0 and 2* Math.PI respectively because we're creating a full circle.

That is:

const drawCircle = (x, y) => {
  context.arc(x, y, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

  context.strokeStyle = 'white';
Drawing circles
circles created using the arc method

How to Move Circles Using the requestAnimationFrame Method

Now that we have circles, let's make them move because...

A scene from the "I like to move it" song from the movie -Madagascar

Remember that when we created a circle, we used the arc method which accepted x and y coordinates — the center of the circle. If we move the x and y coordinate of our circle really fast, it will give an impression that the circles are moving. Let’s try that!

//Define a speed by which to increment to the x and y coordinates

const dx = Math.random() * 3;
const dy = Math.random() * 7;

//Incremenet the center of the circle with this speed
x = x + dx;
y = y - dy;

We can move this inside a function:

let x, y;

const move = () => {
  const dx = Math.random() * 3;
  const dy = Math.random() * 7;

  x = x + dx;
  y = y - dy;

To give our circle a seamless movement, we're going to create an animate function and use the browser's requestAnimationFrame method to create a moving circle:

const animate = () => {
  context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);



//Don't forget to call animate at the bottom 
Circle animating
moving circles created with requestAnimationFrame method

How to Create Particles Using a Particle Class

Now that we have created one circle, it’s time to create multiple circles! But before we do that, let's prepare our code.

In order to avoid repeating our code, we are going to use classes and introduce a Particle class. Particles are the building blocks of our dynamic artwork and animation. Each bubble is a particle with its own position, size, movement, and color attributes. Let's define a Particle class to encapsulate these properties:

class Particle {
  constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {}

  draw() {
    // Drawing the particle as a colored circle
    // ...

  move() {
    // Implementing particle movement
    // ...

Let’s move some of the constants we had set up to the Particle class:

class Particle {
  constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.radius = Math.random() * 50;
    this.dx = Math.random() * 3;
    this.dy = Math.random() * 7;

  draw() {
    // Drawing the particle as a colored circle
    // ...

  move() {
    // Implementing particle movement
    // ...

The draw method will be responsible for rendering the particle on the canvas. We have already implemented this functionality in drawCircle, so let’s move it in our class and update the variables to be class variables:

class Particle {
  constructor(x = 0, y = 0) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.radius = Math.random() * 50;
    this.dx = Math.random() * 3;
    this.dy = Math.random() * 7;
    this.color = 'white';

  draw() {
    context.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    context.strokeStyle = this.color;

    context.fillStyle = this.color;

  move() {}

Similarly, let’s move the move function within the class:

move() {
	this.x = this.x + this.dx;
	this.y = this.y - this.dy;

Next, we need to make sure that we are calling the Particle class in our event handler:

const handleDrawCircle = (event) => {
  const x = event.pageX;
  const y = event.pageY;

  const particle = new Particle(x, y);

canvas.addEventListener('click', handleDrawCircle);

Since we need to access this particle in our animate function in order to call the move method on it, we'll store this particle in an array called particleArray. This array will also be helpful when creating lots of particles.

Here’s the updated code to reflect this:

const particleArray = [];

const handleDrawCircle = (event) => {
  const x = event.pageX;
  const y = event.pageY;

  const particle = new Particle(x, y);

canvas.addEventListener('click', handleDrawCircle);

Remember to update the animate function too:

const animate = () => {
	context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

	particleArray.forEach((particle) => {


At this point, you will see these particles on your screen:

Multiple circles moving

Awesome! Now, to the fun part! Let's creates lots of circles and style them to make them look like bubbles.

To create lots of bubbles, we are going to create particles using a for loop and add them to the particleArray we had created.

const handleDrawCircle = (event) => {
  const x = event.pageX;
  const y = event.pageY;

  for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
    const particle = new Particle(x, y);

canvas.addEventListener('click', handleDrawCircle);

In the animate function, we'll continuously update the canvas by clearing it and redrawing the particles in their new positions. This will give an illusion of the circle moving:

const animate = () => {
  context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

  particleArray.forEach((particle) => {


Multiple circles animating

Now that we have bubbles moving, it’s time to add color to them to make them look like actual bubbles!

We will do this by adding a gradient fill to the bubbles. This can be done using the context.createRadialGradient method:

const gradient = context.createRadialGradient(
  this.x + 0.5,
  this.y + 0.5,

gradient.addColorStop(0.3, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)');
gradient.addColorStop(0.95, '#e7feff');

context.fillStyle = gradient;

Here’s the final codepen if you want to take a look at the source code.

Wrap Up

Congratulations! You've just created something super fun using only HTML Canvas and JavaScript. You've learned how to use the arc method, how to leverage the requestAnimationFrame method, how to harness the power of JavaScript classes, and how to style your bubbles using gradients for the 3D bubble effect.

Feel free to experiment with colors, speeds, and sizes to make your animations truly unique.

I hope you had as much fun following this tutorial as I did creating it. Now, it's your turn to experiment. I would love to see if you tried this out and what you created. Share with me your code link and I would love to check it out.

And now a #DevJoke:

Question - Who won the debate for the best name for loop variable?

Answer - i won.

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