Noodling about on Discord today, the same question came up a few times on a few different servers. I thought it was a great question, and it seems my brain doesn't work quite the way others might expect.

Here's the question:

"So I have a fetch function, and I'm doing some then along with it to parse out the JSON data. I want to return that, but how can I? We can't return something from an asynchronous function call!"

That's a great question. There's a lot going on there. We have ways of handling this within React, quite easily: we can useState to create some stateful variable, we can run our fetch within a useEffect and load that stateful variable, and we can use another useEffect to listen for that stateful variable to change. When the change happens, we can trigger our custom function and do some sort of side-effect with it.

With pure JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, it becomes a tad bit more tricky. For those who like to read the last page of the mystery novel before the rest, this replit is where we'll end up.

An Ugly Beginning

Suppose we want to fetch some todos from a server, and when we've loaded them we want to update the DOM. We might need to reload them, or append to them later – we want things to happen if our asynchronous functions do some sort of update to our state.

And yet, I don't really know how I feel about that. When we have a block of code like this:

const load = () => {
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(jsonObj => {
      const todoContainer = document.querySelector(".todos-container");
      // now, take each todo, create its DOM, and poke it in.
      jsonObj.forEach( (todo)=>{
        const todoEl = document.createElement("div");
        const todoTitle = document.createElement("h3");

        const todoStatus = document.createElement("div");
        todoStatus.textContent = todo.done ? "Complete" : "Incomplete";

        todoEl.append(todoTitle, todoStatus);

We kind of have to fill the DOM right there in the .then() block, because we can't really say "hey, when this is done, fire off this function."

We could simply await each of the Promises, rather than chaining them like this, and simply return the result of the final parsing:

const load = async () => {
  const result = await fetch("")
  const jsonObj = await result.json();
  const todoContainer = document.querySelector(".todos-container");

  jsonObj.forEach( (todo)=>{
    const todoEl = document.createElement("div");
    const todoTitle = document.createElement("h3");

    const todoStatus = document.createElement("div");
    todoStatus.textContent = todo.done ? "Complete" : "Incomplete";

    todoEl.append(todoTitle, todoStatus);
  // here, if we wanted, we could even return that object:
  return jsonObj;

// later, we can do this:
const todos = await load();
// fills the DOM and assigns all the todos to that variable

Now that is better, our load() function can be used to not only put those elements into the DOM, but it returns the data to us.

This is still not ideal, though – we are still having to fill that DOM when the result is loading, and we still have to wait for the loading to happen. We have no idea when todos is going to be something. Eventually, it will be, but we don't know when.

Callbacks, Anyone?

We do have the option of a callback function. It might be useful, instead of actually hard-coding the DOM construction stuff, to pass that off to something else. It makes the load function more abstract, as it isn't wired to a particular endpoint.

Let's see what that might look like:

const load = async (apiEndpoint, callbackFn) => {
  const result = await fetch(apiEndpoint);
    throw new Error(`An error occurred: ${result.status}`)
  // at this point, we have a good result:
  const jsonObj = await result.json();
  // run our callback function, passing in that object

// Let's use that. First, we'll make a callback function:
const todoHandler = (todos) => {
  const todoContainer = document.querySelector(".todos-container");

  todos.forEach( (todo)=>{
    const todoEl = document.createElement("div");
    const todoTitle = document.createElement("h3");

    const todoStatus = document.createElement("div");
    todoStatus.textContent = todo.done ? "Complete" : "Incomplete";

    todoEl.append(todoTitle, todoStatus);

load("", todoHandler);

That's nicer – we are now telling load what to load, and what to do when that fetch has completed. It works. And there isn't anything really wrong with that. Still, it has some drawbacks.

My callback is by no means complete. We aren't handling errors, we aren't really gaining anything by this approach. We don't get the data out of the load function in any sense we can use, in a timely fashion.

And again, me being me, I wanted to try a different way.

Callbacks Without Callbacks

Okay, that is a little misleading. They're not callbacks. We are going to completely avoid having callbacks at all. What will we have instead? Event listeners!

The DOM is all about communication. Events fire off all over the place – mouse events, keyboard events, gestures and media and window... The browser is a noisy place.

But it is all controlled, it is all intent-ful and it is all well-formed. Things are encapsulated nicely, completely self-contained, but they can communicate events up and down the DOM tree as needed. And we can leverage that, with the CustomEvent API.

Creating a CustomEvent is not really that difficult, simply provide the name of the event as a string, and the payload – the information to be included in that event. Here's an example:

const myShoutEvent = new CustomEvent('shout', {
  detail: {
    message: 'HELLO WORLD!!',
    timeSent: new Date() 

// and later on, we can send that event:

That's all there is to a custom event. We create the event, including custom detail data, and then we dispatchEvent on a given DOM node. When that event is fired on that DOM node, it joins the normal stream of communication, riding along on the bubbling and capturing phases just like any normal event – because it is a normal event.

How does this help us?

What if we were to listen for that custom event somewhere, and place the responsibility for handling that event (and its detail) with the receiver, rather than telling the load function what to do when we get that data?

With this approach, we don't really care when the fetch completes its processing, we don't care about some returning value in some global variable – we simply tell the DOM node to dispatch an event... and pass along the fetched data as detail.

Let's start playing with this idea:

const load = (apiEndpoint, elementToNotify, eventTitle) => {
    .then( result => result.json() )
    .then( data => {
       // here's where we do this: we want to create that custom event
       const customEvent = new CustomEvent(eventTitle, {
         detail: {
       // now, we simply tell the element to do its thing:

That's it. That's the whole shebang. We load some endpoint, we parse it, we wrap the data in a custom event object, and we throw it out into the DOM.

The rest is outside of the concern of that load function. It doesn't care about what the data looks like, it doesn't care where it's coming from, it doesn't return anything. It does this one thing – fetch data and then yell about it.

Now, with that in place, how might we wire that in from the other side?

// a function to create the Todo element in the DOM...
const createTodo = ({id, title, completed}) => {
  const todoEl = document.createElement("div");

  const todoTitle = document.createElement("h3");

  const todoStatus = document.createElement("div");
  todoStatus.textContent = todo.done ? "Complete" : "Incomplete";

  todoEl.append(todoTitle, todoStatus);
  return todoEl;

// and when that load event gets fired, we want this to be
//  the event listener.
const handleLoad = (event)=>{
  // pull the data out of the custom event...
  const data =;
  // and create a new todo for each object
  data.forEach( todo => { createTodo(todo) )

// finally, we wire in our custom event!
container.addEventListener("todo.load", handleLoad)

That wires up the container to listen for that custom todo.load event. When the event happens, it fires off and executes that handleLoad listener.

It isn't doing anything particularly magic: it simply gets the data from that event.detail we create in the load function. Then the handleLoad calls the createTodo for each object in the data, creating our DOM node for each todo element.

Using this approach, we have nicely separated the data-fetching bits from the presentation bits. The only thing remaining is telling the one to talk to the other:

// remember, the parameters we defined were:
// apiEndpoint: url,
// elementToNotify: HTMLDomNode,
// eventTitle: string
load("", container, 'todo.load');

To Recap

We started with an ugly spaghetti-code mess – fetching logic mixed in with parsing and presentation. No good. I mean, we all do it, we use it all the time, but it just feels sketchy. There is no clean separation, and there is no way of working with the data outside of that .then().

Using async/await, we can return that data, and we can use it outside the fetch if we need – but we have no real way of knowing when that data has been loaded. We can still process inline, loading the presentational layer in with the fetch, but that's no gain from the last.

Using callbacks, we can begin to separate – with a callback, we can load the data and, when the asynchronous operation is done, run the callback function. It does keep them nicely separated and it does pass the data into the callback as a parameter. It is better than mixing the presentation inline, but we can do something different.

And I mean that different – using the CustomEvent API is no better or worse than using callbacks. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. I like the clean-ness of the CustomEvent system, I like that we can extend that out. Some examples:

  • a Timer class, that fires off a "timer.tick" and "timer.complete" event. The parent/container of that Timer's DOM node can listen for those events, firing asynchronously, and respond appropriately, whether updating the displayed time or causing a reaction when the timer's done.
  • our Todos – we could have the container listen for "todo.load", "todo.update", whatever custom events we like. We could handle updates by finding the relevant DOM node and updating its content, or removing all and replacing them on a load.

We are separating the model logic from the presentation logic entirely, and defining an interface between the two. Clean, clear, reliable and simple.