There will be times where you will want your user to click on a website link and have it open in a new browser tab. But how do you do that in HTML?

In this article, I will show you how to use the target="_blank" attribute through code examples. I will also talk about when you should consider using this attribute.

How to Open Up a New Browser Tab Using target="_blank"

The target="_blank" attribute is used inside the opening anchor tag like this:

<a href="website-link-goes-here" target="_blank">

When the user clicks on the link, a new browser tab will automatically open to that page.

In this example, I have nested a link inside a set of paragraph tags to direct people to freeCodeCamp.

<p>To learn how to code for free, please visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

When you click on the freeCodeCamp link, then it will open up a new browser tab for you.

If I were to omit the target="_blank" attribute, then the default behavior would be to leave the current web page and go directly to the link without opening a new browser tab.

What is the noopener Keyword?

The noopener keyword in the rel attribute is used primarily for security reasons to prevent malicious users from messing with the original web page through the Window.opener property. If the malicious user gained access to your window object then they could redirect your page to a malicious URL.

You can use the noopener keyword as a way to help prevent that security issue from happening. Here is how the noopener keyword is used:

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="">DevDocs documentation</a>

If you want to learn more about the security concerns that rel=noopener helped solve, then please read through this helpful article.

Updates to the noopener keyword

In 2021, there was an update made where modern browsers now set rel=noopener to any link using the target=_blank attribute. As you can see in this Can I use table, the noopener keyword is supported by most browsers except for Internet Explorer 11.

Even with this update, a lot of developers will still use rel=noopener for links using the target=_blank attribute.

Should You Use the target="_blank" Attribute All the Time?

When users click on a link, the default behavior is to have that link open on the current page they are on without opening a new browser tab. In a lot of cases, you do not want to change this default behavior because users have grown to expect this.

You have to think carefully about when it would be a good time to use the target="_blank" attribute. One good example would be if a user is working on a page and they don't want to leave that page if they click on a link.

In this example, we are linking to the DevDocs documentation, so the user can stay on their current page and look up a reference on a new tab.


You can use the target="_blank" attribute if you want your users to click on a link that opens up a new browser tab.

The target="_blank" attribute is used inside the opening anchor tag like this.

<a href="website-link-goes-here" target="_blank">

The noopener keyword in the rel attribute is added to prevent malicious users from messing with the original web page through the Window.opener property.

<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="link-goes-here">

You have to think carefully about when it would be a good time to use the target="_blank" attribute because you don't want to always change the default behavior of links.

I hope you enjoyed this article and best of luck on your programming journey.