You can use Conda to create and manage different environments and their packages. It is mostly used for data science and machine learning projects.

In this article, you'll learn how to remove an environment's package using in built Conda commands.

You'll learn the following:

  • How to create an environment.
  • How to install packages in an environment.
  • How to remove/delete an environment's package.

Let's get started!

How To Create an Environment in Conda

You can use the conda create package-name to create a new environment in Conda.

Here's an example:

conda create -n package-tutorial

The command above creates an environment called package-tutorial.

You can activate or switch to the package-tutorial environment using the conda activate environment-name command. That is:

conda activate package-tutorial

How To Install Packages in a Conda Environment

In the last section, we created and activated an environment called package-tutorial.

In this section, you'll see how to install a package in that environment. Let's install Matplotlib.

You can install a package using the conda install package-name command.

Here's one of the command for installing Matplotlib in Conda:

conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

The installation might take a while to download and extract the package. You can check the packages that exist in your environment using conda list command.

Once the installation is complete, use the conda list command to verify that the package has been installed in your environment.

How To Remove a Package in Conda

You can remove a package in the current environment by running the conda remove package-name command.

In our case, we want to remove Matplotlib from the current environment (package-tutorial environment):

conda remove matplotlib

The command above removes Matplotlib from the current environment. When you run the conda list command, Matplotlib will no longer be listed as a package.


In this article, we talked about packages in Conda. They can be installed in Conda environments.

We saw how to create and activate a Conda environment . We also saw how to install and remove packages in Conda.

Happy coding!