String concatenation is a common task that we do often. String concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of "snow" and "ball" is "snowball".

In this article, I will be showing two methods by which you can concatenate strings in JavaScript. I will also make sure to clarify when you should use each method.

Also, I will provide you with a good exercise from freeCodeCamp to practice this concept. If you are interested in watching a step-by-step video explanation, then you are also in the right place!

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Video Walkthrough:

Now is the moment you may have been waiting for: yes, it is a video, and I have specially prepared it just for you.

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Working with Strings

Before talking about string concatenation, let us talk about some basic stuff.

Let's say, I want to print my full name but I do not want to input my full name all at once. Check the example below:

myName = "Md. Fahim ";
myName2 = "Bin Amin";
console.log(myName); // Md. Fahim 
console.log(myName2); // Bin Amin

My full name is "Md. Fahim Bin Amin". I have broken it down into two parts or you can say in two halves. Therefore, myName contains my first name, "Md. Fahim " with a space at the end so that I can have a leading space before printing my last name. But you can add this space as a leading space in the second string also.

myName2 contains my last name, "Bin Amin". Then I printed two variables' values. Therefore, I got two separate lines containing my full name. But it does not look good to print a person's name in two different lines, right?

Let's solve this issue now. There are many ways to do that, but we are going to use String Concatenation methods. We are going to learn two different approaches to using string concatenation along with the suitable usage for each of them.

String Concatenation Method 1 – Using the + Operator

This is the simplest method: it uses the + operator. Let me give you an example first, and I promise that it will be crystal clear for you once we go through it.

Let's say I am creating a new variable named fullName for storing my full name. But as earlier, instead of using my full name in the double quotations, I will use separate strings.

fullName = "Md. Fahim " + "Bin Amin";
console.log(fullName); // Md. Fahim Bin Amin

Here, I have provided two separate strings in a single string variable, but I used the plus ( + ) operator to append the second string at the end of the first string. Here "Md. Fahim " is the first string, and "Bin Amin" is the second string.

Since I want a space between the two separate strings, I have added a trailing space in the first string. But you can also add a leading space in the second string instead of adding a trailing space in the first string, as I mentioned above.

It is important to note that the order of the strings always matters in String Concatenation.

For example, if I change the order (give the second string before the first string) in the fullName variable, then the whole string also gets a different orientation and I will not get the result I want (it prints my name wrong!).

fullName =  "Bin Amin" + "Md. Fahim ";
console.log(fullName); // Bin AminMd. Fahim 

It always considers the string that appears first as the first string and appends the next string at the end of that first string. It keeps going on each time like this – it doesn't matter how many individual strings you want to append in a single string variable.

fullName =  "Bin Amin " + "Md. Fahim" + " My name is";
console.log(fullName); // Bin Amin Md. Fahim My name is

Ah! It looks awful. Let me correct the orientation now:

fullName = "My name is " + "Md. Fahim " + "Bin Amin";
console.log(fullName); // My name is Md. Fahim Bin Amin

Now it is better.

String Concatenation Method 2 – Using the += Operator

This method is very handy. When using it, we append separate strings in separate lines. Let me give you an example again.

I will use a variable named fullName like earlier, but instead of using the + operator to concatenate strings like earlier, I will use +=:

fullName = "Md. Fahim ";
fullName += "Bin Amin";
console.log(fullName); // Md. Fahim Bin Amin

In the first line, I have stored my first name in the fullName variable. In the second line, I have stored my last name in that same variable but using the += operator (which is actually the combination for fullName = fullName + "Bin Amin"). It appends the second string at the end of the first string like earlier.

This lets me print my full name on a single line.

+= is a combination, so direct usage of the generic way also works the same as below:

fullName = "Md. Fahim ";
fullName = fullName + "Bin Amin";
console.log(fullName); // Md. Fahim Bin Amin

But you can pretty much assume that using += will be the easier and more compact way. So I recommend you to use the += operator directly.

What's the Difference?

I know you may be getting confused and thinking that if these methods give the exact same result, why you should learn both of them? What are the specific use cases for each one?

Hold your horses! I am going to answer your question right now.

Follow the code below where I am using the 1st method:

fullParagraph = "This is the first line of the paragraph. " + "This is the second line of the paragraph. " + "This is the third line of the paragraph. ";
console.log(fullParagraph); // This is the first line of the paragraph. This is the second line of the paragraph. This is the third line of the paragraph.

Here I have taken a variable named fullParagraph and I have stored three individual strings/sentences in it. The output is accurate, but you see that based on the number of adding new strings/sentences, the one line for storing the data in that specific variable is getting longer.

The more strings or different sentences you add for string concatenation using the first method, the longer a single statement becomes. As such, it becomes very boring and hard to inspect later on.

Here comes the second method to the rescue! 😉

Follow the code below where I am using the 2nd method:

fullParagraph = "This is the first line of the paragraph. ";
fullParagraph += "This is the second line of the paragraph. ";
fullParagraph += "This is the third line of the paragraph. ";
console.log(fullParagraph); // This is the first line of the paragraph. This is the second line of the paragraph. This is the third line of the paragraph.

Here I have taken a variable named fullParagraph and stored individual strings in individual lines. As usual, I can easily append newer strings in new lines using the += operator.

Since I'm taking a new line for appending new strings each time, it doesn't create any hassle for me. Also, each individual statement is short and it is very easy to read or inspect later on. The code also looks pretty clean.

Keep in mind that the order of strings of course matters in each method. That means they always follow the orientation of the order of the strings during appending (String Concatenation).

When to Use Each Method

I guess you already know this answer. But, still, for the sake of this article, let me clarify it again.

If you are using any string concatenation where the individual strings are comparatively smaller or you know they'll remain small in size, then you can directly go for the first method.

But if you know that you might need to append longer strings later on, then you should use the second method.

That's it!

Practice String Concatenation

You can practice this concept using this freeCodeCamp exercise.


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